Jack Quick's Comments

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At 11:19am on June 18, 2007, Jack Quick said…
Because he can, that's why
At 9:34am on June 18, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Along with a few other things that we won't mention on here. Colin just mentioned two of them. Clean your teeth lots, okay?
At 8:20am on June 18, 2007, Jack Quick said…
Does that mean I am loyal, faithful, and turn around 3 times before I go to sleep
At 5:44am on June 18, 2007, LC Fraser said…
I am glad you clarified the AD bit. I might have gotten all mixed up otherwise.

Don't take this the wrong way, Jack, honey, but you are a DOG - see link below.
At 10:23am on June 17, 2007, Jack Quick said…
1946 AD, not BC
At 9:07am on June 17, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Give us a year (preferably the one you were born) and we will figure you out.
At 7:55am on June 17, 2007, Jack Quick said…
I don't know what I am, but I'll drink to all you party animals.
At 7:48am on June 17, 2007, Merrill Young said…
Nope, 87. She is a Rabbit-so is Bob.
T-2 and I are both sheep.
At 4:35am on June 17, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Okay so someone explain to me why girls are such a challenge? Notice neither Jack nor I are commenting on the trials of raising boys. They get into so much and most of it is right in your face - not a lot of guesswork involved.

Yeah - our eldest daughter can manage to run the world pretty good too. Maybe it is cuz they are year of the dragon? Yours was born in '88 right? Us Bunnis are really not up the challenge of Tigers and Dragons (actually, I am year of the monkey which really ticks me off). Not to mention Rats. Horses and Roosters are not so bad.
At 3:45am on June 17, 2007, Merrill Young said…
My eldest has an absolute uncanny ability to get people to do things for her.
She's too sarcastic to play the ' feminine wiles' card,but she has the Tom Sawyer thing downpat.Coupled with her artistic and philosophical bent, she would make an excellent film director- if she weren't so lazy.
Can't imagine where she gets THAT from.
At 2:39am on June 17, 2007, Jack Quick said…
No, actually we affectionately called her the Airhead, as in all her brain matter sank to her chest at puberty. She wasn't a bad child, just totally oblivious of consequences and wise beyond her years. We learned early on that when she did something she shouldn't have she "attacked" us with great anger. We learned that was a dead giveaway. At seventeen she made the mistake of accusing me of "trying to buy her love." I told her that was great. No more presents from Poppa, like the car, etc. It took he awhile to live that one down.
At 1:53am on June 17, 2007, Merrill Young said…
Knowing you and the Mrs., I bet your daughter was smart, too.
A diobolical combination!
I bet your poor son-in-law was like a lamb to the slaughter!
At 11:05pm on June 16, 2007, Jack Quick said…
Ours was an "early maturer". Got sent home from the skating rink at age 11 for not having a bra. Then it really got interesting.
At 10:06am on June 16, 2007, LC Fraser said…
We have friends who used to threaten to send their daughter to a convent if she did not behave. Didn't seem to help any. We threatened to sell our kids to the gypsies. So far they are not too bad. Maybe the idea of living with the gypsies was more daunting?
At 9:42am on June 16, 2007, Jack Quick said…
To Be or Not to Be, that is not the question.
Get thee to a Nunnery is the best that the Bard ever wrote.
At 8:03am on June 16, 2007, LC Fraser said…
three weeks of no kids sounds rather like bliss.

Jack, we have one son who qualifies as a young man now (at 21) and two others who are still too young (14 and 10) but then we have the two girls -- 19 and 17 soon. They are a whole different ball game. sigh.
At 7:57am on June 16, 2007, Merrill Young said…
Nice save, Lynne
Jack, if you can figure out how to get the grandkids with out the children, let me know.
I am looking foreward to 3 weeks in which I don't have to worry about my darling daughters.
At 6:38am on June 16, 2007, Jack Quick said…
I survived two sons and one daughter. next time its eitehr puppies or more grand kids thats for sure.
At 6:34am on June 16, 2007, LC Fraser said…
I am sure you were a great joy to her and she slept all the better for the lack of females brought home by you. I speak as the mother of a young man myself. I know just how she felt. Although I do rather prefer the kids to come here so I can keep an eye on things.
At 6:09am on June 16, 2007, Jack Quick said…
Well, I didn't want her to worry.....

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