Jack Quick's Comments

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At 8:13am on July 25, 2007, Eric Stone said…
Glad to see that Bob Fate's among your faves. He's a fine writer and also my neighbor - and we keep running into each other at Mystery Writers of America meetings and other such things.
At 7:15am on July 25, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Ogden is our family poet. (maiden name Nash in case you are wondering where that came from). My sister got called Ogden all through high school. Only quote I can remember off hand is "but my dear, have you ever seen yourself retreating?"
At 6:34am on July 25, 2007, Merrill Young said…
Ogden Nash, I do believe.
He also said-

Certainly there are things in life that money can't buy, but it's very funny -
Did you ever try buying then without money?
At 5:54am on July 25, 2007, Jack Quick said…
What's the old saying, cnady is dandy but liqour is quicker?
At 5:43am on July 25, 2007, LC Fraser said…
chocolate is good.
At 4:56am on July 25, 2007, Merrill Young said…
Why, oh why, does it always have to be about power or money?
Why couldn't it be about chocolate...or ....teacups, for once????!!!!
At 2:48am on July 25, 2007, LC Fraser said…
It is all about power. Merlot - you will get that reference half way through season five.

Jack! There is a caption contest on Tony Black's page. Please come play. You are so funny.
At 2:11am on July 25, 2007, Merrill Young said…
Well, it's not a mystery per se, and they love to have 'do not' rules there, don't they? Bugs me big time.
At 11:43pm on July 24, 2007, Patricia said…
didn't want to post it on 4ma but I see that the ban on HP has been lifted on the other list...it sort of boggles why they would stop a book discussion....
At 11:28am on July 11, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Uh hunh. Sure you are not. Better be careful or Rose will post you in the Fireman's hall of fame on Moldy
At 10:26am on July 11, 2007, Jack Quick said…
At 10:05am on July 11, 2007, LC Fraser said…

You are cross-posting now aren't you?
At 5:39am on July 11, 2007, Jack Quick said…
Thank you, thank you, thank you very much.

I'd like to dedicate this next number to the hotel where we stayed last night - the Paris Hilton....
At 5:28am on July 11, 2007, Merrill Young said…
"Ladies and Gentlemen,
heeeeeeeeeerrrrr'es Jack!"
At 3:38am on July 11, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Can you get Jack back, Merlot? He needs to do an encore. Otherwise I might start singing again and that is never a good thing.

Brian, you are a mere infant. Feel free to date yourself. Makes me feel younger somehow.
At 3:20am on July 11, 2007, Merrill Young said…
I rest my case.
At 3:04am on July 11, 2007, Jack Quick said…
I'm just a hunka hunka burnin love, a hunka hunka burnin' love....

Thank you, thank you, than you very much.

JACK has left the building
At 2:54am on July 11, 2007, Merrill Young said…
Brian, there is no expirey date on stuff like Spike Jones.
If you're a looney, you will find it.
Take Jacks page, for example.......
At 2:38am on July 11, 2007, Brian Thornton said…
When you say "Spike Jones," it immediately reminds me of that song he did about the Bronx cheer right in Der Fuehrer's face. That and the great line about not being to take the way he sings, but loving to hear him talk in the Band's immortal "Cripple Creek."

OK, I'm dating myself, and I'm only 42, so it's not even the right date!
At 2:37am on July 11, 2007, Jack Quick said…
Waste not, want not, why not?

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