Kathryn Lilley's Comments

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At 1:41am on September 25, 2010, David Ray Williams said…
I'm glad to meet you as well. I read The Kill Zone daily and enjoy your posts. I'm new at this mystery writing business and find all the posts on TKZ extremely helpful. I'm looking forward to reading your books. They should arrive from Amazon this week. Have a great day!
At 1:58pm on July 25, 2010, cj forrest said…
I found your video blog post on anorexia both informative and interesting. Thank you
At 5:04am on December 22, 2008, Sheri Fresonke Harper said…
I hope you have a merry Christmas and happy holiday season :) Sheri
At 8:06am on December 5, 2008, Angela said…
Yes, "Sookie" is that adorable! Thanks for adding me. I found you by accident trying to figure out if anyone else accepted a certain friend request (just making sure it wasn't spam). Incidentally, I saw your book covers here and plan to try them out! Looks like something I'd really enjoy.
At 7:30am on November 27, 2008, Beth Groundwater said…
Hi Kathryn,
Thanks for befriending this fellow mystery author!
At 3:20am on August 10, 2008, pam ward said…
Hello Kathryn
Just a note to let you know that my new novel, BAD GIRLS BURN SLOW is here! Here is the first review.

A great suspenseful erie read. Pam Ward really mixed it up with wicked kids, poisoning middle age wenches, funeral director's hiding secrets. Its all here in a hair raising hoot of a book. Everything you can sell off a human body is stuffed in. A wild, Lolita read.-Miss Fiction, Los Angeles, CA
At 5:10am on July 16, 2008, Doug M. Cummings said…
Should we start a blog/association/support group/Fortune 500 company for "Broadcast Reporters Who Kill?" Seriously, I keep running into other reporters who write mystery/suspense.
So you don't have to check my profile, twenty-five years covering crime for TV/Radio, most recently at WGN... Delete Comment
At 3:13am on February 18, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Hello Kathryn
I've heard great things about your book. It's a pleasure to meet you. And I'm delighted to see Stephen King on your list. He seems underappreciated by other writers.
At 10:12am on February 4, 2008, John Boundy said…
Kathryn...Love your page! Really enjoyed Mr Grisham's interview...Hope you don't mind, I'm going to reach out to the DallasBookDiva...Thank you...Gonna listen to your download here in a bit...Keep up the great work!
At 5:33am on January 22, 2008, pam ward said…
Hi. Love your themes. I'm an LA girl who rode my bike to the beach but lived near Fairfax. I am interested in the group sister in crime. How do I join?
pam ward, author, WANT SOME GET SOME and the forthcoming BAD GIRLS BURN SLOW
At 9:23am on January 14, 2008, Jordan Dane said…
God, that video had elements of the first time I ever pitched an editor with my first manuscript. (shiver) And I'd say that time may have improved my style, but...I wouldn't want to lie.
At 8:17am on January 14, 2008, Karen from AustCrime said…
Hi Kathryn - thanks for the friend invite - nice to "meet" you :)
At 7:45am on January 14, 2008, Jordan Dane said…
Hey Kathryn--Thanks for the friendship and I'm wishing you the best in 2008. Have a great Sunday.
At 4:54pm on January 12, 2008, Loretta Ross said…
Hi! Thanks for the invite! :)

I've been reading your blog and I really appreciated your on the spot description of last October's fires. Fire both fascinates and terrifies me and I have a great deal of respect for firefighters. I understand your decision to stay, though. Home is home. Here, in the past week, we've had temperatures ranging from 7 to 70, sunshine, gale-force winds, snow, ice, warm weather, thunderstorms, rain and tornadoes that killed two people eighty miles south of my house.

But it's home.

I also enjoyed reading your blog post about writers' tics. Does this count? I really enjoy J.D. Robb's (Nora Roberts') "In Death" books, but one thing she does makes me NUTS. In every book she has her heroine take a "boiling" shower at 101 degrees fahrenheit. Always throws me out of the story and makes me want to smack my head against the wall. That's less than three degrees warmer than body temperature, for heaven's sake! It's NOT a boiling shower. It's a COLD shower! And her husband comes in and tells her she's going to "boil her bones". Then they take a cold shower together.

And then they have sex. :-/

Anyway, thanks again for befriending me! :) Take care!
At 1:07pm on December 7, 2007, Donna Carrick said…
Very cool space, Kathryn!
Donna Carrick
At 12:31am on November 29, 2007, jur said…
Kathryn,INDEED you SHOULD know! LOOOL

I just searched for the book on amazon (you can already buy used ones there...), found it but they will be sent from the US... which means for me to pay high shipping plus customs and taxes... :-( sh***, eeeehm ...sugar... ;-)
maybe I can "win" one somewhere??????
@Loraine:I guessed canada as a part of the US... is it not??? (god, sometimes it's good to be mean... *LOL*)

At 12:15am on November 29, 2007, Loraine said…
Hi Kathryn,
I just read a comment wondering if your book is available in bookstores outside of the US. It is in the Chapters store in Ontario, Canada :)
At 10:57pm on November 28, 2007, jur said…
Hey Kathryn thanks for your reply!
...exactely: what you describe is the art of writing... Me as a reader is not interested in techniques but a thrilling, mindtaking, breathtaking, emotional story that keeps me away from sleeping...
what kind of books/stories are you telling? are you published in germany as well?

At 8:32pm on November 28, 2007, jur said…
Hey Kathryn, I just have read your last blog about widening stories... well, for me as "just" a reader, this sounds much too technical... I, again as a reader, don't want to recognize any technical thing in a book... if the flow and the line of the story is good and thrilling it will define its perfect length by it self... Or am I wrong? if so, please correct me! I read some books, where I think: the author could have told that in less than halfe the pages...

I am looking forward to your answer!!!

kind regards, Jan (a freshman on crimespace...)
At 7:49pm on November 15, 2007, Michael Warden said…
Hey the time stamp is off on this site! It's 2:48 AM :(

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