Karen from AustCrime's Comments

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At 6:42pm on April 19, 2009, Matt Hilton said…
Hi Karen, don't want this to sound like a shameless plug, but keep your eye out for my debut, Dead Men's Dust, which will be hitting your shores in the next couple of weeks. Always nice to meet new crime fans. Thanks for adding me as a friend. Matt.
At 9:21pm on April 1, 2009, steve reeder said…
Hello new buddy.
At 12:28pm on March 9, 2009, Harmony said…
LOL ur about me is discribing myself :D thanx for the add ..:) Venessa
At 8:54pm on January 30, 2009, Lisa said…
what is this, the third rack of hell or something? the cool change hits tonight, apparently, so I said, "That's it, I'm sleeping in my own bed." I'm at the library tomorrow, so I'll see if I can dig up some of this other guy's stuff - thanks!
At 7:33pm on January 30, 2009, Lisa said…
Yeah, I've been sleeping in the lounge for the past two nights because my bedroom gets too hot in summer. What's it like up where you are?Maloney confused me a fair bit, it was funny in parts but it just didn't pack enough apunch for me. If a book can make me sit up and say "No *way*!" at least once, then it's great.
At 7:12pm on January 30, 2009, Lisa said…
Gee, Karen, what told you that? That was taken up at Glenrowan somewhere in the area of last year. I haven't read any of your favourite writers, I'll have to check them out. I've just started the Stephanie Plum (Evanovich) series and I'm well and truly hooked!
At 7:39am on January 27, 2009, Gavin May said…
The Melon blog, nice one! I could post updates on current melon conditions and standout attributes such as shininess, fluff length and pimple distribution. Now where did I put that book on synoptic terminology…
At 11:31pm on January 14, 2009, Dorte said…
Hi Karen.

I have not quite found out yet what crimespace really is but apparently it doesn´t much matter because interesting people keep inviting me in :)

I can see in your profile that we do have much in common, "Mankell, Wahloo and Sjowall, Nesbo, Fossum, Alvtegen, Larsson and their ilk. Indridason from Iceland ... ". I have read all of these, and Alvtegen is not really a favourite but I certainly love the others.
Another thing I don´t quite know is whether this community is also related to people´s blog addresses? - if not, I think you should visit my very new crime fiction blog: "DJs krimiblog". So far there are only a few reviews (all Norwegian, by coincidence) but there should be something for you, e.g. "Anne Holt" some of whose books are truly excellent.
At 10:25pm on January 9, 2009, Sarah Byrne said…
... and it's not half-finished yet! Very pleased to meet you - your website is a wonderful resource! Any chance you might be going to LCC in Hawaii? I know there will be a few Antipodeans making the trip (including me).
At 10:43pm on November 24, 2008, Tony Black said…
Hi Karen...thanks for comment. Luv the dogs, Aussie Terries rule! You should check out the mutt pix on my page. And, yep on your Q...PAYING FOR IT is out in Oz now and getting nice reviews, ta.
At 11:18am on November 13, 2008, Libby said…
That's the only thing about true crime....sometimes it is hard to sleep after you have finished reading...it sucks you in....I always have trouble putting books down or i simply don't want to get off the train, so i can keep reading!
At 11:14am on November 13, 2008, Libby said…
Hey Karen.....i am currently reading Written on the Skin: An Australian Forensic Casebook by Liz Potter....it is really good....also reading the Lindy Chamberlain autobiography and a book on the Sue Snow poisening in America by Gregg Olsen. I really do read alot...all the time on the train, i have to do something! And yeah i love true crime.
At 4:02pm on August 6, 2008, Beth Groundwater said…
Thanks for becoming my friend, Karen. I'd love to come back to Australia for a visit sometime. My last trip years ago was to Sydney, Melbourne, Cairns & Port Douglas.
At 6:46pm on July 5, 2008, JJ Cooper said…
Hi Karen,

We're aiming for an August 2009 release for Interrogated. I'll be keeping all the updates and happenings on my blog and here. I've also signed up for your site now. Thanks for the warm welcome.

At 10:52pm on July 3, 2008, P.M. Newton said…
Thanks for the welcome, Karen. Fellow Cracker fan and Wahloo and Sjowall aficionado. Enjoy the upcoming Crime & Justice fest in Melbourne - looking forward to reading your reports.
At 11:50am on June 27, 2008, Phillipa Martin (PD Martin) said…
Yep, I'll see you at the Crime and Justice Festival. After the 12pm sessions. It'll be great to meet you all. Missed the Sisters in Crime event - still jetlagged then! But I'm appearing at one 15 August and will hopefully get to a few others this year too.
At 11:45pm on June 26, 2008, Phillipa Martin (PD Martin) said…
Hi Karen,
Just saw your post on my blog - by all means, borrow away! Thanks for the support!

At 8:49am on June 26, 2008, Donna Carrick said…
Hi, Karen, great to visit such an avid reader! People never understand when I tell them I love rain just as much as sunshine -- it gives me a chance to kick back under the skylights and rain to the sound of rainfall...
All the best,
Donna Carrick www.donnacarrick.com
At 4:58pm on May 16, 2008, Rose Mercer said…
Bummer Karen. Yes, I'm off to SinC tonight since I can't wait to hear Betty King. Well, if I do anything about it, I'll write it up for your blog ... don't promise since I'm there with a friend and who knows how much wine I'll be having, LOL.

Maybe next time?
At 5:28pm on April 13, 2008, Rose Mercer said…
That's just great, Karen. I am definitely making sure I attend the May event, so hopefully we'll get to meet then.

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