Woman debunks the movie myth that a cigarette thrown into gasoline always results in an explosion. Also fires at can of gas that doesn't explode.

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Comment by Doug M. Cummings on April 22, 2008 at 6:28am
I think this woman is lucky she didn't set herself on fire in the first scene.
And this video, I'm told, won 450 bucks in some contest.
I'm trying to find one that will illustrate why a silencer doesn't work on a revolver.
Comment by Annette Dashofy on April 22, 2008 at 5:11am
Another of my favorite myths in movies and TV is when you see someone run a line of black powder to something explosive and then lights the end. In film, it sizzles and burns up to the explosive and then, BOOM. In fact, black powder does not burn. It explodes. So the BOOM happens the second you touch the match to the powder. A friend of mine, who should have known better, tried this and lost his eyebrows in the rather educational experience.

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