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Comment by Amy Dawson Robertson on October 15, 2010 at 10:29am
That sounds really complicated! But also very interesting. I remember talking to my relative and being struck by the notion of the different levels of consciousness -- fascinating stuff. If I see anything else, I'll send it your way.

Stieg does some interesting things with Salander in Book 2 -- some are a bit mind boggling but I do enjoy her character overall. I even like some of the things people complain about, like giving a laundry list of brand names. I find it interesting since it isn't my culture -- otherwise I could see how it would get old. This is pretty funny -- http://www.newyorker.com/humor/2010/07/05/100705sh_shouts_ephron
Comment by Amy Dawson Robertson on October 7, 2010 at 10:30pm
It's an interesting business. Did you see this recent article in the NYT? http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/21/science/21consciousness.html?_r=1
I DO get nervous -- never been much of a public speaker. But I find that most people who come to readings and such come with generosity so it gets easier once you've done it once or twice. I LOVE Stieg Larsson. I like the second one best -- been saving the third since it is likely the last (rumors of a fourth notwithstanding). I just finished the first title in the Monkeewrench series -- it's very fun if unrealistic. How are you liking Stieg?
Comment by Amy Dawson Robertson on October 7, 2010 at 1:59am
Smythe is a bad man. And my character's rival for getting a permanent position on her special ops team. You're an anaethetist -- that's intense work -- I have a relative in the field.

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