All Blog Posts (12,730)

Blogging and Prizes and Posts--Oh, My!

Multiple opportunities to win prizes and have fun on blogs this week.

First, I'm continuing the Blog Party that celebrates the release of POISON, YOUR GRACE yesterday. It goes till Saturday, with a drawing each day for an

Amazon gift certificate. Visit

Second, I joined the Gratitude Giveaway Hop…


Added by Peg Herring on November 17, 2011 at 10:24pm — No Comments

Review - Midwinter Sacrifice, Mons Kallentoft


Author:  Mons Kallentoft

ISBN:   9781444721515

Publisher:   Hodder & Stoughton

Year of Publication:   2011

The snow covered all tracks, as the killer knew it would.  But it couldn't hide the victim, the man who now hung naked from a lonely tree on a frozen plain.

Malin Fors is first on the scene.  A thirty-one-year-old single mother, Malin is the most talented and ambitious detective on the Linköping police force, but…


Added by Karen from AustCrime on November 17, 2011 at 9:37pm — No Comments

Silver Tears (Drunk on the Moon) by Paul D. Brazill, John Donald Carlucci

Have you read any of the Drunk on the Moon Series yet? No, why not? I suggest you stop what you are doing and get on it then. This is the sixth installment in the series and it shows no signs of slowing down so you might as well get onboard while you can.

Paul D. Brazill and John Donald Carlucci deliver one of the richest, fullest reads the series has delivered. Roman gets fleshed out even more, if that is possible for a werewolf, and has some fun doing what he does best, being a…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on November 17, 2011 at 9:33pm — No Comments

Review - Harry Curry: Counsel of Choice, Stuart Littlemore


Author:  Stuart Littlemore

ISBN:   9780732293420

Publisher:   Harper Collins

Year of Publication:   2011

Ugly. Irascible. Intolerant. Clever.

From one of our sharpest legal minds comes a brilliant new character, Harry Curry--scion of the establishment and criminal defender extraordinaire. A class traitor, some say.

When Harry′s robust advocacy leads to his suspension for professional misconduct, he teams…


Added by Karen from AustCrime on November 17, 2011 at 1:46pm — No Comments

The Snatch now up up at Spinetingler Magazine

Hi Gang,

My short story, The Snatch, is up at Spinetingler Magazine this month. If anyone's interested the link is:

Thanks to Jack Getze.



Added by Tanis Mallow on November 17, 2011 at 8:24am — 1 Comment

Darren Sant "Rowan's Folly"

The next two days of posts for me will all be works from authors that reside overseas. I wanted to start off the fun with Darren Sant. His work on this digital short series is nothing short of spectacular. He is able to get down, dirty and into the heads of those that reside on the other side of the tracks. The attitude, the manner, the fabric of what everyday life must be…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on November 17, 2011 at 6:50am — No Comments


Second to writing fiction, my passion is marketing. I know some people dread this part of the process of being an author. I was one of those who had to be dragged into cyber marketing, fighting every inch of the way. I didn't have time for reading blogs on the Internet or interacting with those who did. I couldn't afford to buy all the books they tried to ram down my throat and wouldn't have time to read them if I wanted to. No, I wanted people to buy MY books.…


Added by Sunny Frazier on November 17, 2011 at 5:00am — No Comments

New Releases this week from Trestle Press

There are at least 12 new releases this week from the authors of Trestle Press. A wide variety of genres and included in the bunch is one incredible anthology-“Dark Pages-Volume One”, and a new edition to the #1 Best-Selling Short Story Series in the World-“Amish Knitting Circle”.

Here is the lineup of new releases for this week:

Tanya Contois- “Wicked Little…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on November 17, 2011 at 1:52am — No Comments

Interview Nerves? Not Many! Guest Post by Graham Smith, author of "11 The Hard Way"

Earlier this year I attended the Harrogate Crime Festival and in my role as a reviewer for I had been asked if I would conduct a few interviews. I had done it the year before and had interviewed lots of my favourite authors, including such names as Mark Billingham, Jeff Lindsay and Jeffery Deaver.


So I had a look at the line-up of authors…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on November 16, 2011 at 9:24pm — No Comments

I need to reinvent myself

Added by Mark Gilroy on November 16, 2011 at 12:34pm — No Comments

The Strength and Perseverance of Cyber Vigilantes

Protecting our children from the potential evils online is a full time job for even an army of individuals.  Technology has once again passed up our capability and manpower at the moment to stop cyber crimes, specifically sexual predators. 

What happens when a pedophile turns into an Internet predator?

A pedophile, an adult who is attracted to children, has been…


Added by Jennifer Chase on November 16, 2011 at 11:49am — No Comments

What Have We Learned From Serial Killers?

“Most police investigators will argue that anybody can become a criminal type simply by committing a crime and being processed through the justice system.  We are hypothesizing, however, that serial murdering is a form of disease rather than a lifestyle, a syndrome that has specific hard and soft signs that are symptoms and identifiable long before the potential murderer commits his…


Added by Jennifer Chase on November 16, 2011 at 11:47am — No Comments

I Write a Short Story Series About an Atypical Hit Man by B.R. Stateham

  I write a short story series about an atypical hit man.  The series is called Call Me Smitty.  The stories are atypical in that he does things you least expect from a professional killer. And it is this unexpected, unanticipated quirk in the man's personality which I want to discuss briefly. Specifically I want to discuss three stories I am particularly fond of



Added by Giovanni Gelati on November 16, 2011 at 10:38am — No Comments

Blog-Partying On

Today's question for my blog party concerns your favorite dead author, so stop over and share. You can win an Amazon gift certificate and authors can add a buy link to their ONE SENTENCE ONLY comment.

Added by Peg Herring on November 15, 2011 at 10:51pm — No Comments

Crime author Pauline Rowson giving a talk on how she writes her crime novels to U3A Sarum Group

I'm looking forward to giving a talk this week on 16 November at the U3A group at Sarum, near Salisbury on how I write my crime novels and thrillers and about my DI Andy Horton marine mystery series of crime novels.…


Added by Pauline Rowson on November 15, 2011 at 9:11pm — No Comments


"Booze, brawls, sex and schizophrenia—such is the artist’s life in Paris, according to this raucous satire.When Patsy Burke, a world-famous Irish sculptor living in France, wakes up in his hotel with his body torn and bloody and no recollection of how it got that way, he’s not particularly surprised. A raging alcoholic given to beating up pimps in Paris dives, he’s used to blackouts and drunk tanks. Unfortunately, his latest bender has left a dead man in its wake, and Patsy’s attempt to…


Added by John J. Gaynard on November 15, 2011 at 7:42am — No Comments

Be a Part of a World-Changing Event: "Maynard Soloman Proves Santa is Real"by Benjamin Sobieck

Since a monster surge of traffic ate my website's generous November bandwidth in less than 12 days (, I've no choice but to make this extremely important announcement right here, right now. I need your full attention. This could be the most significant few sentences of your entire life. One that will blow everything you thought about being human on this planet out of the water.

Yes, that's right. Santa is real.

And not in some "he's real in our hearts,…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on November 14, 2011 at 9:44pm — No Comments

Be a Part of a Life-Changing Event: "Maynard Soloman Proves Santa is Real"

Since a monster surge of traffic ate my website's generous November bandwidth in less than 12 days (, I've no choice but to make this extremely important announcement right here, right now. This could be the most significant few sentences of your entire life. One that will blow everything you thought about being human on this planet out of…

Added by Benjamin Sobieck on November 14, 2011 at 3:40pm — No Comments

The G-ZONE blogtalk radio schedule for this week , November 14th-19th

Hey, another busy week of interviews has us going Monday through Saturday this week with plenty of incredible authors to listen to and learn from. Here are the days, times and lineup of authors:

Monday – Angelique LaFontaine and Paul Guthrie- 5pm EST

Tuesday- Les Edgerton- 6pm EST

Wednesday-Heath Lowrance-4pm EST

Thursday- Angel  Zapata-4pm EST

Friday-Frank Duffy at 6pm EST and then at 7pm EST The Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Book Town



Added by Giovanni Gelati on November 14, 2011 at 9:13am — No Comments

The Mummies of Blogspace9

Have a look at my serialized horror blog!  If you thought the internet was safe from the undead, you were wrong - The Mummies of Blogspace9

Added by William Doonan on November 14, 2011 at 7:30am — No Comments

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