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How Scared Do You Really Want To Be?




Added by Jennifer Chase on January 27, 2013 at 8:37am — No Comments

Mike Orenduff, Jenn McKinlay, Agatha Christie, short stories & more in KRL

Up in Kings River Life Magazine the final installment of a 3 part series on the queen of crime Agatha Christie


Also up in KRL this morning we have a review of the latest Pot Thief mystery by Mike Orenduff, a guest post from Mike on the value of a book & you can enter for a chance to win a copy of "The Pot…


Added by Lorie Ham on January 27, 2013 at 4:11am — No Comments

The city of Indianapolis as a setting

Indianapolis is a middle American city.  Until I lived there, I never took it seriously.  The bad news was that I was very prejudiced against it.  The good news was that, being an Easterner, I knew that I was prejudiced against everything between Pennsylvania and the Pacific Coast states, with possible - but not definite, exception made for the city of Boulder, Colorado where some enlightened souls [yes, that means Hippies] had taken up residence during a spreading of the population of the…


Added by Miriam Pia on January 25, 2013 at 11:52pm — 2 Comments

On location with Pauline Rowson's DI Andy Horton in the new marine mystery crime novel, Undercurrent

The new DI Andy Horton, number nine in the series, called Undercurrent, will be published in the UK and Commonwealth on 31 January and in the USA on 1 May 2013. Like all the DI Horton novelsit is set against the backdrop of the sea in the Solent area on the South Coast of England.

In this crime novel DI Horton has a new mystery…


Added by Pauline Rowson on January 25, 2013 at 8:42pm — No Comments

No Naked Mole Rats, Part 1

naked-mole-rat Unfortunately, I can't claim this blog as my own. This was written by a wonderful woman named Beth Terrell who helps out with the annual Killer Nashville writers' conference held every August guessed it, Nashville, TN. In 2012, a week before the conference, she sent along this message to all of the authors scheduled to be on one of the panels. I thought it a wonderful message and one…


Added by Stephen Brayton on January 25, 2013 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Tune in to join me on a radio Talk Show

Tomorrow (Friday) I will crash the party on the Anything Goes blog talk radio show at 11pm (Eastern time). Bennett Pomerantz runs a fun and exciting show with literary guests. Set your alarm so you can tune in and join the fun at 11pm.

Added by Austin S. Camacho on January 25, 2013 at 12:57am — No Comments

Review - Blue Blood, Sara Baedel

Book Title:   BLUE BLOOD

Author:  Sara Blaedel

ISBN: 9780751551563

Series:  Louise Rick

Year of Publication:  2013

Location:  Denmark

Book Synopsis

In an idyllic neighbourhood of Copenhagen, a young woman, Susanne Hansson, is discovered in her apartment bound and gagged, the victim of an extraordinarily brutal rape attack. Detective Inspector Louise Rick soon learns that Susanne met the rapist on a popular online dating site, something Susanne shamefully…


Added by Karen from AustCrime on January 24, 2013 at 5:06pm — No Comments

The Trouble with Apartment A

In Prague, I lived in a building a lot like the one(s) in this photo from The Third Man.  Not enough light; the faucets barely worked; there was a weird film poster of “Nanuk of the North” left behind by the previous tenant.  And I mean weird.  Like a cockamamie merger of Eskimo soft-porn and man and dog buddy adventure.   But I loved that place, and it still gives me…


Added by Victoria Dougherty on January 24, 2013 at 8:31am — No Comments

Meet Me in MD this week

Tomorrow is Open Mic night at the Waldorf West Public Library! I’ll be among the poets, writers, and authors, both local and visiting, who will share their work for 3 to 5 minutes. Refreshments will be provided. We will be intellectually stimulating the community with rhythmic sounds and fluid language! Join us in Meeting Room A at Waldorf West Library, 10405 O'Donnell Place, Waldorf MD.…


Added by Austin S. Camacho on January 22, 2013 at 11:51pm — No Comments

Predator Strike! hits home

Osama bin Laden was not killed by a SEAL team in a Pakistani hide-out in 2011. He was captured 10 years before and secretly held prisoner by the United States until his death was convenient. Well, that’s a popular conspiracy theory,…

Added by Martin Roy Hill on January 22, 2013 at 2:06pm — 10 Comments

FREE - From the Alexander Steele Mystery Series

FREE - A short story from the Alexander Steele Mystery Series set in Philadelphia

Use Code AA64W at checkout. Download to your computer or e-reader.  

A man holding a powerful secret has been found dead in the middle of the night on the steps of the main branch of the Philadelphia Library . He has no ID, no phone not even a watch. Steele’s only clue……. a spoon tucked inside his sock.

What happened to the ring? Who killed…


Added by Lawrence Johnson on January 22, 2013 at 10:04am — No Comments


So, I got these two kittens a few months back. Ragamuffin is a torty; Rusty is orange and fluffy. They were rescued from a stray cat's litter.

I'm trying hard not to be an over-protective mother. When Rusty, the clueless male, climbed up to the top of the tree, I had the crazy idea to send his much more sensible sister to fetch him down. She obeyed and went to the rescue like a St. Bernard.

Which left me to wonder: when did I…


Added by Sunny Frazier on January 21, 2013 at 12:30pm — No Comments


San Diego Noir at the Bar

01/31/2013 7:00 pm


Added by Aaron Philip Clark on January 21, 2013 at 6:26am — No Comments

Julie Hyzy, Andrew MacRae, giveaways, mystery short story, Remington Steel & more in KRL this week

Up today in Kings River Life a review of Andrew MacRae's first mystery novel "Murder Misdirected", an interview with Andrew & a chance to win a copy of the book


Also up today we have an article on the great old mystery TV show "Remington Steele"-a personal favorite of mine…


Added by Lorie Ham on January 20, 2013 at 3:38am — No Comments

DI Horton Crime Novel Nominated for Book Award

I'm delighted to announce that the seventh in the DI Andy Horton crime series, A Killing Coast has been nominated by my publisher Severn House for the eDUNNIT AWARD at CrimeFest 2013.

Crimefest is an annual convention for crime fiction fans and draws top…


Added by Pauline Rowson on January 18, 2013 at 7:22pm — No Comments

The Next Big Thing, Part 2

new-years-2013-300x228 I was asked to participate in another of The Next Big Thing. I was recently involved but thought it would be a good opportunity to help promote one of my works in progress. Unfortunately, I am unable to tag other authors, but if anybody would like a future tag or to be highlighted in…


Added by Stephen Brayton on January 16, 2013 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Review - Furt Bent from Aldaheit, Jack Eden


Author:  Jack Eden

ISBN:   9781927182536

Series:  Osgood Sneddon

Year of Publication:  2011

Publisher:  Pear Jam Books

Location:  New Zealand / Australia

Book Synopsis

His name isn't Furt Bent, and he isn't from Aldaheit. He's the persona that Osgood Sneddon invented for himself to rise above the mundane, and extricate himself from trouble when a moment's misunderstanding lands him on the wrong side of the law.…


Added by Karen from AustCrime on January 16, 2013 at 3:51pm — No Comments

Praise for The Troubleshooter

Thankye posted this review of The Troubleshooter on Amazon: “Great character, this Hannibal Jones. Look forward to reading more. Good guys vs bad guys, I thought it was well written.”…


Added by Austin S. Camacho on January 16, 2013 at 1:51am — No Comments

Review - Unnatural Habits, Kerry Greenwood


Author:  Kerry Greenwood

ISBN:  9781742372433

Series: Phryne Fisher

Year of Publication:  2012

Publisher:  Allen & Unwin

Location:  Melbourne / Bacchus Marsh

Book Synopsis

1929: Girls are going missing in Melbourne. Little, pretty golden-haired girls. And not just pretty. Three of them are pregnant, poor girls from the harsh confines of the Magdalene Laundry. People are getting nervous. Polly Kettle, a pushy,…


Added by Karen from AustCrime on January 15, 2013 at 1:20pm — No Comments

Review - Young Philby, Robert Littell


Author:  Robert Littell

ISBN:  9780715643280

Year of Publication:  2013

Publisher:  Duckworth

Category:  Espionage / Thriller

Special Interests:  Cambridge Spy Ring

Book Synopsis

When Kim Philby fled to Moscow in 1963, he became the most notorious double agent in the history of espionage. Recruited into His Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service at the beginning of World War II, he rose rapidly in the ranks to become the…


Added by Karen from AustCrime on January 14, 2013 at 5:53pm — No Comments

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