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SERIAL KILLER COUPLES Now in Audio, Print, and eBook

SERIAL KILLER COUPLES: Bonded by Sexual Depravity, Abduction, and Murder, the new true crime book by bestselling crime writer R. Barri Flowers, chronicles nine pairs of infamous killer intimates. Now in print, eBook, and audio in, iTunes, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.


Chapter 1: Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck,…


Added by R. Barri Flowers on June 13, 2012 at 7:49am — No Comments

MURDER IN HONOLULU Now in Audio, Print, and eBook

MURDER IN HONOLULU: A Skye Delaney Mystery is a gripping mystery novel with a gorgeous setting in Hawaii from R. Barri Flowers, the bestselling author of MURDER IN MAUI: A Leila Kahana Mystery. Skye Delaney is a private investigator who is hired by her ex husband and former prosecutor, Carter Delaney, to spy on his current wife, Darlene, suspecting her of having an…


Added by R. Barri Flowers on June 13, 2012 at 7:47am — No Comments

Review - A Dark and Broken Heart, R.J. Ellory


Author:  R.J. Ellory

ISBN:   9781409124146

Location:   USA

Publisher:   Orion

Year of Publication:   2012

It should have all been so easy for Vincent Madigan. Take four hundred grand from the thieves who stole it in the first place and who could they turn to for help?

Madigan is charming, resourceful, and knows how to look after himself. The only problem is that he's up to his neck in debt to Sandià - the drug king…


Added by Karen from AustCrime on June 12, 2012 at 9:10pm — No Comments

Review - Hell's Fury, PD Martin

Book Title:   HELL'S FURY

Author:  PD Martin

Location:  USA

Publisher:   Murderati Ink / Amazon Ebook

Year of Publication:   2012

She lies in an Afghani prison cell, disowned by the CIA and regularly tortured. Seven months into her prison term, a lone operator stages a daring extraction. But who is Decker, the mysterious man behind her rescue?

He claims to represent The Committee, an international group made up of ex-professionals from the CIA, FBI,…


Added by Karen from AustCrime on June 12, 2012 at 2:38pm — No Comments

BANAL: A Digital Noir Short, is Released!!!

If you like Stephen King inspired, existential noir, this might be the "short" for you...

Grab it right here:…


Added by Vincent Zandri on June 12, 2012 at 3:32am — No Comments

Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn

We've all read the stories in newspapers - a woman goes missing and the husband is the prime suspect. And he loudly proclaims his innocence....even as the evidence mounts....

Gillian Flynn put her own spin on this idea in her latest book -…


Added by Luanne Ollivier on June 12, 2012 at 12:17am — No Comments

Akiko's Swords

Akiko parked the motorbike below the big red-lacquered temple with its roof of rounded clay tiles and age-smoothed stone steps.

She took off the helmet and shook out her hair.

It was late. A damp night. Owls were hoo-hooing in small, muted voices on the temple grounds. Bats darted and swept in the sky.

Tokyo. The outskirts anyway. But it might as well be deep in the countryside.

Except for the occasional hissing roar of a transcontinental flight, diving toward…


Added by Ku Okamoto on June 11, 2012 at 8:30am — No Comments

Kris Neri, Marilyn Meredith, mystery short story, giveaways, Burn Notice & more in new KRL Issue

New issue of Kings River Life is up and it's packed!

We have a review of Kris Neri's paranormal mystery "Magical Alienation", a chance to win a copy of the book, a video interview with her from Left Coast Crime & a guest article by her on writing paranormal


We also have a book review of "No Bells" by F.M. Meredith (aka…


Added by Lorie Ham on June 10, 2012 at 2:26am — No Comments

Writing from the Psyche (The Writing of Night Corridor) by Joan Hall Hovey


Night Corridor - Kindle/Paperback - Amazon, B&N





“Most of the basic material a writer works with is acquired before the age of fifteen.” -Willa Cather

We’re told to write with passion or write from the heart, and while this is good advice, I take it…


Added by Joan Hall Hovey on June 9, 2012 at 7:30am — No Comments

The New One! Just Released!

Added by I. J. Parker on June 9, 2012 at 2:10am — 3 Comments

On Kidnapping

Many moons ago when I was working on a story involving my heroine, Mallory Petersen, the idea for the sequel started to take shape. I truly could not tell you from where the plot originated. Maybe after listening to another writer in my critique group read his selection or hearing something on the radio. Anyway, the idea of Mallory (martial arts instructor/private…


Added by Stephen Brayton on June 8, 2012 at 8:48am — No Comments

Tony oh Tony

For 34 years now, I fall for women. Not only in relationships, but also in sports (Martina Navratilova), films (Jodie Foster), tv-series (La Femme Nikita) and books.


Now the book thing lead to something extremely weird: me falling in absolute L.O.V.E. with Robson Green. Robson owns the most gorgeous blue eyes I ever set my brown ones upon and Robson is a HE, a guy, a bloke, a MAN! Out of my league, I would say. However...... (in these cases there always is a however) every…


Added by Mary Kouwenhoven on June 8, 2012 at 6:29am — No Comments

Alexander Steele and the Legacy of Death - Excerpt

The dimly lit hallways in the rundown apartment building were painted blood red. It was clear from the stains, cracks, and writing along the walls that the apartment building was way overdue for a fresh coat of paint. Even though the rain had cooled things off outside the hallway…


Added by Lawrence Johnson on June 8, 2012 at 5:00am — No Comments

The Blue Eyed Man in Mexico

Two days later, he was in Mexico City.

Fumes. Traffic. Men sweeping the streets with brooms.

Ice cream pushcarts. Taco pushcarts.

Billboards. Women.

Donkey carts. Plush cars. Buses.

Hooting and roaring.

Sweat at the back of his shirt.

His scalp tingling.

His nostrils full of charcoal smoke, exhaust.

The stench of seared meat.

As soon as he hit Mexico city, he went to a dealership and sold the Jeep for a pittance.

Then he bought a small,…


Added by Ku Okamoto on June 7, 2012 at 11:49am — No Comments

The CWA's Crime Writing Month celebrates the best to read this summer including A Killing Coast by Pauline Rowson

There’s a lot going on in Crime Writing Month organised by the Crime Writers' Association (CWA) with my fellow crime writers giving talks, book signings and workshops around the country. The Crime Writing Month website also features some of the hottest new crime fiction publications of the summer including A Killing Coastfeaturing the rugged, hunky and flawed DI Horton.…

Added by Pauline Rowson on June 7, 2012 at 3:48am — No Comments

Washington Man Targets Sex Offenders for Murder

I am sure that we all want to see justice done to sex offenders.  I have focused several storylines in my novels about those who commit such…


Added by Jennifer Chase on June 7, 2012 at 2:41am — No Comments

Crime Fiction Research Imitating Art

We’ve all heard the saying ‘life imitating art’ and it definitely fits some instances.  I’d like to think that we’ve only scratched the surface of original fiction stories, but sometimes reality beats us to the punch.

I’m going to take you back a few years, before I wrote my first crime fiction novel…


Added by Jennifer Chase on June 7, 2012 at 2:39am — No Comments

The Lost Ones - Ace Atkins

I first 'discovered' Ace Atkins with last year's release of The Ranger - the first book featuring Quinn Colson. I loved it and have been eagerly awaiting the…


Added by Luanne Ollivier on June 6, 2012 at 11:31pm — No Comments

Glenn Langohr: In Prison on Drug Charges for 10 Years, Now Author Of 5 Books, Roll Call, Upon Release and the Series, Prison Killers

In his drug war novel Roll Call, Glenn Langohr illustrates how the U.S. has made drugs more desirable by making them taboo, which has increased the demand for them, throwing gasoline on Mexican cartel wars, along with breeding gangs in California's prisons.…


Added by Glenn Langohr on June 6, 2012 at 5:32pm — No Comments

Free Crime Fiction E-Book: Maynard Soloman Solves the War on Drugs

Maynard Soloman Solves the War on Drugs FREE RIGHT NOW - ALL E-Book Formats Supported

"Maynard is the philosopher-cum-man-of-action that we all wish we could be, the detective who solves mysteries by turning idiocy against itself." - Peter Rozovsky, Detectives Beyond Borders (Spinetingler Award winner)

"I recommend to everyone who is looking for a quick read. It's perfect for that pick me up laugh, that…


Added by Benjamin Sobieck on June 5, 2012 at 11:14pm — No Comments

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