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My book signing at Barnes and Noble was a big success.  Aside from meeting new fans – many of whom started with more than one book – the staff a was very pleasant and helpful!  I hope to go back there soon.

 I also met with the Just Us Girls book club – ten ladies who really know their literature.  They asked the tough questions but I didn’t mind because they also were great fun to chat with and shared great food (Thanks, Josephine.)  Book club meetings are even more fun than store…


Added by Austin S. Camacho on February 20, 2012 at 8:11am — No Comments

It's not the oath that makes us believe the man, but the man the oath." Aeschylus

Dr. Lou Welcome is blamed when one of the doctors he was counseling at Physicians Wellness, goes on a shooting spree and kills a number of people.

Physicians Wellness counsels doctors who have anger problems or have difficulty with drugs or alcohol.


When a number of other people in the area also let their anger get the best of them and sometimes end in…


Added by michael draper on February 20, 2012 at 4:27am — No Comments


Anyone else here at Crimespace addicted to television's CRIMINAL MINDS? I love that show and have seen every episode at least once. It inspires me to write devious plots and horrible villains.

Happy writing!

Added by Cheryl Norman on February 19, 2012 at 7:23am — No Comments

Interview with the Swedish Crime Novelist Arne Dahl

Arne Dahl is now one of the most well-known names in Scandinavian crime. His novel Misterioso, which was recently translated into English, was one of the best novels we reviewed last year and definitely a 2011 favorite (Read the review here).We recently sat down with him for an interview about…


Added by Ehsan Ehsani on February 19, 2012 at 5:47am — No Comments

Monk giveaway, Murder She Wrote & The Final Note in new KRL issue

New issue of Kings River Life is up! We have a fun interview with Lee Goldberg, a review of "Mr. Monk On Patrol" & a give away of the book as the next part of our Road To Left Coast Crime 2012 series


We also have a fun article on "Murder She Wrote" along with an interview with Thomas Sawyer about his experiences writing for…


Added by Lorie Ham on February 19, 2012 at 4:14am — No Comments

Anyone Write Horror, Too?

The sequel to the fantastic 8 Days of Madness horror anthology (of which I'm proud to say I am a contributor) is looking for submissions.

Authors, this is an annual anthology hosted by Chris Allinotte - a terrific guy and bonafide horror guru.…


Added by Benjamin Sobieck on February 19, 2012 at 2:11am — No Comments

Greatest Mob Hits, a post by NOPD detective Frank Renzi

When I say greatest hits, I'm not talking Frank Sinatra singing My Way. A new museum opened recently in Las Vegas. The Mob Museum. It cost $42 million, and it opened on the 83rd anniversary of the St. Valentine's Massacre in 1929.

I didn't want to spoil your Valentine's Day chocolate with anything bloody or gruesome so I waited a day to put up the post. The museum features a thrilling lineup of mobsters, past and present, and their bloody exploits. Take a trip down memory…


Added by Susan on February 18, 2012 at 11:34am — 1 Comment

Fear, Part 2

A soft thud in the night. A creak in the hallway outside your bedroom. A lonely road cutting through a dark forest. All of these can cause fear. However, fear need not be felt in these creepy, eerie locations. One can experience fear when going in for a job interview, on the first day of college, or even writing your first novel. We fear the unknown. What made the thud upstairs? The creak in the hall–just the house settling or something else? What if the car stalled on the road? You wonder…


Added by Stephen Brayton on February 18, 2012 at 2:30am — No Comments

In my blog today I interview literary agent, Chip MacGregor

In my blog today I interview a truly fascinating man; super lit agent Chip MacGregor.  Had to ask a few questions about the publishing world, both traditional and ebook, and hear his assessment on the health of the industry.


Come over and check it out.  I think  you'll find it interesting.  Find it here:…


Added by B.R.Stateham on February 17, 2012 at 11:54pm — No Comments

When is it OK to kill dogs - and other animals - in crime fiction?

There are two reasons people will be talking about The Wrong Delivery - Corrin's Eyes, by McDroll:



Added by Benjamin Sobieck on February 17, 2012 at 11:14pm — No Comments

5 Questions for Vigilante Detective Emily Stone

I receive many questions about the heroine in my Emily Stone Thriller Series.  I thought it might be fun to ask her a few questions.  She was my inspiration and creation after a personal experience with a real psychopath.  But enough about me, let us ask…


Added by Jennifer Chase on February 17, 2012 at 5:05am — No Comments

Forensics in the News

With the advancements in computer technology today, many improvements have been made in the law enforcement community for police related investigations.  The technology hasn’t caught up to the fascinating and lightening speeds of popular television shows, but nonetheless there are some amazing forensic developments.  It is good news for us, but bad news for the criminals.

Can we solve…


Added by Jennifer Chase on February 17, 2012 at 5:04am — No Comments

FREE E-BOOK of a Funny Detective Short Story

Maynard Soloman Solves the War on Drugs FREE - ALL E-Book Formats Supported

"Maynard is the philosopher-cum-man-of-action that we all wish we could be, the detective who solves mysteries by turning idiocy against itself." - Peter Rozovsky, Detectives Beyond Borders (Spinetingler Award winner)

"I recommend to everyone who is looking for a quick read. It's perfect…


Added by Benjamin Sobieck on February 16, 2012 at 11:14pm — No Comments

The Dispatcher - Ryan David Jahn

Okay, it was the tag line on the cover of The Dispatcherthat grabbed me first....

"The phone rings. It's your daughter. She's been dead for four months."

....and the story…


Added by Luanne Ollivier on February 16, 2012 at 10:11pm — No Comments

Pauline Rowson to appear at CrimeFest 2012 - DI Andy Horton novel up for an award

I'll be appearing at Crimefest 2012 at the Royal Marriott Hotel, Bristol on Friday 25 May 2012 between 9am to 9.50am  when I'll be on a panel with my fellow crime writers; Frances Brody, Mary Andrea Clarke, Leigh Russell and Adrian Magson, discussing Genres and Subgenres: Where Do You Fit and Why? I'm sure it will be a lively debate just like the previous years panel discussions have been. They'll also be plenty of time for questions…

Added by Pauline Rowson on February 16, 2012 at 9:49pm — No Comments

Review - A Noble Killing, Barbara Nadel


Author:  Barbara Nadel

ISBN:   9780755371617

Series:   Cetin Ikmen

Publisher:   Headline

Year of Publication:   2011

Istanbul:  the sight that greets Inspector Cetin Ikmen is horrific.  The girl was burnt alive in her own bedroom.  Was it suicide or murder?  When her father shows no emotion at the death of his seventeen-year-old daughter, Ikmen starts to dig deeper.

Alongside his troubled partner, Inspector Mehmet Suleyman,…


Added by Karen from AustCrime on February 16, 2012 at 4:21pm — No Comments

What "Justified" Got Wrong (And Right) About Kidney Transplants


Tonight's episode of Justified featured a creepy doctor bad guy taking both kidneys from loveable bad guy Dewey Crowe. To get his kidneys back, Dewey needed to find $20,000 in four hours - presumably the time it takes to die from a lack of kidneys.…


Added by Benjamin Sobieck on February 15, 2012 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

Here's an Interesting Fan Letter:

I found it this morning.  On Valentine's Day!  :)


Part of it reads:


"I just wanted to tell you that I was disappointed (after the initial surprise wore off) that you were unable to find a printer for your latest mystery and short stories.  Solely because of this, I’ve just purchased a Kindle and naturally, all of the e-books and stories from Amazon that I didn’t already own of yours on paper.   I bet I’m not the only one who has done so out of love for your…


Added by I. J. Parker on February 15, 2012 at 1:21am — 5 Comments

Book of Love

Happy Valentine’s Day!  Because I love you guys, I’m giving away the Kindle edition of the seminal Hannibal Jones novel.  You can get The Troubleshooter FREE today through Saturday! …


Added by Austin S. Camacho on February 14, 2012 at 8:36pm — No Comments

Pressing on with DI Horton crime novel number nine in the series says author Pauline Rowson

Having just finished writing the eighth in the DI Horton series, which is now with my editor, there was no time to rest on my laurels but it was straight on with researching the next DI Horton.

I finished DI Horton number eight (I’ll reveal the title soon) on 31 January and since then I’ve been working on the next Horton novel. I now have a rough plot outline, and I mean rough, and some characters sketched, enough for me to begin the creative writing process. I like to start writing…


Added by Pauline Rowson on February 14, 2012 at 3:46am — No Comments

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