December 2010 Blog Posts (122)

Holiday Gift Ideas for the Sleuth in Your Life

We've posted our sleuth-gift ideas at our blog Guns, Gams, and Gumshoes, but the gifts might also be items that your fictional sleuth use in your stories, too. Hey, we wouldn't mind some of these gifts ourselves.

Christmas Gift Ideas for the Sleuth in Your Life:…


Added by Writing PIs on December 10, 2010 at 4:22am — No Comments

Michelle Gagnon Kidnap & Ransom

It seems I have arrived late for the party yet again. Kidnap & Ransom is Michele Gagnon’s fourth novel, The Gatekeeper, Boneyard and The Tunnels are here other works to date. I am going to get right to the rundown of

what the novel is about and then we can discuss it:

“When the world's foremost kidnap and ransom negotiator is snatched by a ruthless drug cartel, Jake Riley becomes ensnared in the effort to save him. But he's up against…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on December 9, 2010 at 10:51pm — No Comments

Great new E-zine

I placed a short story in the December 1st issue of The Eerie Digest magazine. This free publication is THE Online Mystery and Hollywood Insider Magazine. For you completists my story, "Under the Hood" IS a Hannibal Jones mystery but somewhat different from anything else I've done. There's a lot of content, so you might want to type my name into the search box…


Added by Austin S. Camacho on December 9, 2010 at 9:16pm — No Comments

Ikea and the Crime Writer

There are many theories as to why Scandinavian crime writers prosper in the bestseller lists. But I know why it is. Ikea.

I just bought a new set of Ikea shelves for my office. I’ll get into exactly how that has altered the configuration of my workspace, but at this point let me just note that it makes my writing room seem a thousand times more orderly, less cluttered. As any feng shui expert would tell you, a disorganized room will yield fractured thoughts and…

Added by Matt Rees on December 9, 2010 at 7:06pm — 2 Comments

Author Update

My book signing at Borders in Tysons Corner was more fun than expected. Aside from signing lots of books, a couple writing pals stopped by to say hi. For gift-searchers in that area, they have copies of three of my titles left.…


Added by Austin S. Camacho on December 8, 2010 at 9:47pm — No Comments

New Novel Releases for the Week of December 7th

Big names populate this week’s list of new releases. I also have some more news on the Gelati’s Scoop front. Next week I will be posting our year end best of lists: novels (Tuesday), digital shorts (Saturday),

graphic novels (Friday), and self-published (Sunday). We will also be starting

a new themed day that is going to revolve around Publishers, Agents, Websites,

Bookstores, and Graphic Novel stores. I am pretty excited about the new addition

to the…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on December 8, 2010 at 6:42am — No Comments

Guest Post Number One Novels

The problem with wanting to be an author is the bombardment of the same negative message from everyone (teachers, agents, publishers, strangers) that this dream is nigh impossible.

The repeated warning goes something like this: anyone foolish enough to want to

be an author needs thick skin, perseverance, and phenomenal writing talent…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on December 7, 2010 at 9:26pm — No Comments

Brad Thor The Athena Project

Right on the heels of Foreign Influence comes a new project from Brad Thor, The Athena Project. Was I pumped, excited, impatient to get it, ready to read it, looking forward to it? To put it mildly, yes, that and much

more, I ran out ways to say how much I wanted to get this novel and read it. I

am a big Brad Thor fan and was happy to see him branch out and do something a

little different. Let’s get to what the action is all about:…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on December 7, 2010 at 8:37am — No Comments

Jason McIntyre Thalo Blue

Quite possibly you are getting tired of me talking about this guy. I don’t know, but hey, good is good, and Jason McIntyre keeps pumping out the stuff I keep reading and sleeping with the lights on. He claims this,

his newest work to date, is his best yet, Thalo Blue. Is he right? I am going

to agree with him, this just kicks $%#.

“A young man on the brink of true adulthood experiences the trauma of his life when a trespasser breaks…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on December 7, 2010 at 5:56am — No Comments

BSP: Diana Andrews story with a difference.

Lest it ever be said that I lack chutzpah ...

(Temptations Magazine is a new erotica zine.)

Added by Albert Tucher on December 7, 2010 at 4:15am — No Comments

"Dancing With Myself" Interview @ Nigel P. Bird's Sea Minor

Honestly, I wanted this guy to do it...

...but he's been busy with other things, lately.

So, I interviewed myself for the series…

Added by Cormac Brown on December 7, 2010 at 3:41am — No Comments

Researching the crime novel and the importance of location

I've just uploaded a new video interview. In this short video I am in conversation with Tony Smith, talking about my marine mystery police procedural crime novels featuring the flawed and rugged Inspector Andy Horton and my thrillers. How I research them and I'm also talking about the importance of their location, which is Portsmouth…


Added by Pauline Rowson on December 6, 2010 at 11:19pm — No Comments

Jodi Langston author of Always & Nature of The Beast Q&A

-You have published two novels thus far, Always & Nature of The Beast, how has the experience been: Pluses and minuses..

It has been mostly positive, but stressful. There's a learning curve for self-publishing. I think the most stressful thing is getting your work out to the world. Trying to find all the right channels and not

market to the point your friends and family block you on Facebook and…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on December 6, 2010 at 10:57pm — No Comments

It's Wrong, So Make It Right--Rewrite

It's Wrong, So Make It Right--Rewrite

A writer who is paying attention knows when something's wrong with a project. That knowledge does not come early on, and often not easily. For me, when the writing is ongoing, it is important to get the main story down, and details almost have to be left fuzzy. I am an insistent advocate of "rest time" for a first-draft manuscript, time (like a month) in a drawer or on a CD so I see it with fresh eyes. Any MS needs multiple rereadings by the author… Continue

Added by Peg Herring on December 6, 2010 at 11:31am — No Comments

People's Book Prize

I would be grateful if you would vote for my novel, The Trojan Project on The Peoples Book Prize.
Click on fiction and then on my book.
To vote you will need to register and they will immediately send you an…

Added by Eileen Thornton on December 6, 2010 at 8:05am — 4 Comments

Self-Published Sunday Rose A. Valenta Sitting On Cold Porcelain

Crafty title and even more a fun novel cover. Before I can explain my thoughts on the novel, I think it is best for me to give you some background on the author and the novel itself :

“"Political unrest… government scandal… corruption... extortion! What do all these things have in common? They are perfect targets for satire! In Sitting on Cold Porcelain, readers will find an amusing,

perceptive, and laugh-out-loud take on the state of our…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on December 6, 2010 at 2:51am — No Comments

Christmas mystery reviews, giveaways & more!

Check out a review of 2 Christmas mystery novels-one by Carola Dunn and

the other by Judith K. Ivie and enter for a chance to win copies of

both books

in the new issue of Kings River Life!

Also the second to last chapter of my mystery novel "Deadly



Added by Lorie Ham on December 5, 2010 at 4:16am — No Comments

Crash Landing in New York!!!

I barely made it out of Europe the weather was so horrid. Torrential

rains in Florence, snowstorms in Germany. Rain and wind in Philly, and

in Albany, ex-wives and now, an ex-girlfriend. Gas is 50 cents more than

when I left a month ago. The indy bookstore at which I'm supposed to

sign first editions of The Remains tomorrow has decided to also book an

ex-local news anchor who self-published a book about doing, well, the

local news. I just went to the store and its… Continue

Added by Vincent Zandri on December 5, 2010 at 12:36am — No Comments

Digital short Saturday A.J. Pompano The Copycay Didn't Have Nine Lives

Hello and welcome to another edition of Digital Short Saturday. Today we have two digital shorts to bring you, the first is by A.J. Pompano with his Quincy Lazzaro series. Here are the particulars on the digital

short and the author:

“This is a Quincy Lazzaro Mystery short story. When Quincy is summoned to his writer’s group because one of the members has died, he discovers that murder is more than fiction in this group.”…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on December 4, 2010 at 10:52pm — No Comments

Graphic Novel Friday Changing Moon Mathieu Mariolle

Changing Moon is not just French but also a YA graphic Novel at that. I have posted on YA before but not on anything French. Yes, I admit to being that Giovanni Gelati, the one

that put up the Monty Python You Tube video entitled ”Taunting The


Oops there it is again, my bad. Seriously, this is an excellent graphic novel.

I want to give an…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on December 4, 2010 at 7:27am — No Comments

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