You start reading the numbers . . . and the first thing you ask is, "Where's the recession?" 

The second thing you note is, inspite of an INCREASE in paperback sales, Kindle books still outsold'em.


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I'm not sure how this will impact publishers yet but it has to be good news for writers.
I would think so, too.
Actually, if you see their press release, they say they aren't counting free books.
Interesting!  Do let us know if the facts are finally clarified.

Here is the press release, which contains the following language: is now selling more Kindle books than paperback books. Since the beginning of the year, for every 100 paperback books Amazon has sold, the Company has sold 115 Kindle books. Additionally, during this same time period the Company has sold three times as many Kindle books as hardcover books. This is across's entire U.S. book business and includes sales of books where there is no Kindle edition. Free Kindle books are excluded and if included would make the numbers even higher.


Thanks, Eric.  I was hoping that was the case.

Well, all I can tell you is this: my award-winning suspense thriller, ABSOLUTION, sold more Kindle versions and made me more money in two months last year, than the trade paper version made me in all of 2010.

I got a Kindle for Christmas and I love it. This does not, however, mean that I will stop reading books that I can hold in my hand. You can knock amazon if you want, but I'm one happy author whose kindle-versions are selling selling selling.

My mouth waters. I take it that you priced the Kindle version advantageously?  My publisher-owned novels are listed at $ 12.99 and selling poorly.
Sorry for tardy reply. Yes, I think price is the key. How come the price is so high? Even the big publishers are selling books at $9.99. People keep telling me to get mine published in other e-book formats. I just haven't had time. Hope to pub my next book by May or June.
No idea why the price is so high.  My agent tells me that there is nothing we can do. Another reason to hold on to e-rights.

To me the pricing is interesting.


I am a rare bird in that I have a Literati and actually like it. That said, "current" hardbacks tend to run $12.99. That's a good savings off the print edition price for a hardback. But paperbacks tend to run $5-$7ish. Still a discount, but not that steep really.


There are books at a lower price, and even some that are free. However, I've noticed that most of the free to 99 cent books I've tried (excluding the classics they offer for free) that are fairly recently published are, frankly, over priced.

My Kindle books have always outsold the print editions. I'm not complaining because I dislike siging parties and haven't done them in years. The Kindle royalties are better as well.

Jean Henry Mead


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