Last year whle I was at the London Book Fair - all the talk was about Child 44 - a debut novel that came from nowhere, Film rights were snapped up by Ridley Scott, and Clive Owen has been cast to star - later while in NY, Lee Child told me to look out for it -

I got a copy today - it's out March 8th in UK and April 30th US - I just read the first 3 chapters - and it's ABLSOLUTELY BRILLIANT, and hey it's Friday night, late, and after speaking to my wife and kids etc - I'm curled up on the sofa and in heaven.....Sheesh what a year for debuts...first Stieg Larsson's Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and now Tom Rob Smith and his Child 44 - My wife thinks I've finally gone mad......

Keep you posted - and sorry for getting a tad excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God, I REALLY love well written books


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Hi Tania -

You can US = but remember the $ to £ exch rate is not in your favour

Oh dear - another one that's going to have to be nudged up the TBR pile at a rate of knots. It arrived here the other day!


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