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boston noir (akashic noir) edt. brian lehane

Headed over to South Africa for my "O" book - Like Clockwork by Margie Orford.  I've now just started Between Summer's Longing and Winter's End by Leif G.W. Persson.


I've started THE DEAD PLACE by Stephen Booth.  It's in a series of British police procedurals. 

This one won the Dagger in the Library Award.

I'd like to recommend an old TV show I watched on netflix's instant movies called Intelligence. It is located in Vancouver and focusses on fighting crime up there. I watched the 90 minute pilot and it was outstanding.
I'll second that endorsement, yeah?
Carlo Lucarelli, THE DAMNED SEASON.  This is Book Two of the De Luca trilogy, by the Italian author.  It is a true "noir" novel (as opposed to the many that are passed off as such because the genre is fasionable). It is also very good, a police procedural in the immediate post-war years when vengeance of the resistance was at its height.  It asks some troubling questions about justice and those who were the keepers of law and order.
Rereading Julian May's Saga of Pliocene Exile, but I paused that long enough to read Patrick McEnroe's tennis memoirs.
I'm reading a mystery short story collection: Chesapeake Crimes: They Had It Comin'. I'm really enjoying the stories so far.
I just picked up the year's best crime short stories as picked by Ed Gorman and Martin Greenberg called By Hook or By Crook, but first I'm finishing Robert Crais' The Sentry. Fantastic book. Great fun.
I just finished reading "Place of Execution" by Val Mcdermit. Took me a long time as I read in bed before falling asleep. But I downloaded a mysery to my Kindle so I can read it while waiting for a bus, etc. Patzi Gil has done a scdrfeen play adaptation of my novel "Betrayal" and now I can't watch a movie without thinking of how the screen play script looked. Am I ruined?
Never!  :)

Finished Harlan Coben, LONG LOST.  A # 1 New York Times Bestseller.  I wonder what that tells us.  This book assumes that Al-Quaeda has infiltrated a U.S. fertility clinic, where Al-Quaeda members serve as doctors who divert embryos from blond, blue-eyed women to a number of clinics for unwed mothers, where the embryos are implanted in Muslim women kept there for breeding purposes.  The resulting blond, blue-eyed children are raised to be terrorists and to attack the country from within. At the time of the novel, they have become teenagers and are ready to begin their assignments.

Doesn't anyone think this is embarrassingly stupid?  It's published by Signet! 


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