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On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan-heart-breaking but excellent. Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen and Jar City by Inaldson (or something like that--too lazy to go upstairs and get the book. But the Icelandic guy)
I have just finished reading White Night by Jim Butcher and I am two-third's of the way through Eternal by Craig Russell. An excellent book. I loved the first two books by Craig Russell, Blood Eagle and Brothers Grimm.
No Regrets by Ann Rule. I was very heartened to see a quote from Ann Rule's Bitter Harvest in Dramatist by Ken Bruen.
I am currently reading Savage Moon by Chris Simms. I had the pleasure of meeting Chris in July and he was a really nice guy. Pleased to say his book is living up to ecpectations.
Finishing Lindsey Davis' SATURNALIA. Meh! A series that has settled into a familiar track.
Looking forward to Hosseini's THE KITE RUNNER.
Richard Matheson's NOIR and Hemingway's complete book of short fiction. Lots of underlining being done on the last one.
Love Connelly!!
Currently reading Devil's Food by Kerry Greenwood and listening to Peril at End House by Agatha Christie
I am another of those people that have several books going at the same time...


The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler

The Flanders Panel by Arturo Perez-Reverte---I have just started this so have no opinion, although I hear its excellent.

Brotherhood of the Holy Shroud, its a translation, and sort of along the Arcane Knowledge/Ecclesiastical mystery vein, but it is pretty good so far, and I am half way through.

I also have about six others in various genres sitting on a shelf just begging to be picked up.
Just finished Heart Sick by Chelsea Cain and i loved it. Be interesting to see what she has in store for Archie in the next book. Would make a very interesting movie, loads of visual effects and nasties to shut my eyes at!
I'm currently re-reading a Raymond Chandler anthology called The Simple Art of Murder, featuring his essay of the same name and several short stories. This stuff is soul music to me. I'm reading slowing, re-reading generously, and savoring every word.

Ian Rankin's Exit Music waltzed in the door over the last week or so. That's up next.
About to start reading Lisa Unger's "Beautiful Lie" tonight. Can't wait, it looks great.


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