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Just finished last night Ed Gorman's CAGE OF NIGHT from 1996. Gorman mixes the fifties noir theme of a wrong man on the run to touching small-time memoirs and a portrayal of doomed love. The book moves very succesfully between supernatural horror and more mundane noir thriller. 

Just finished a Dean Koontz novella called DARKNESS UNDER THE SUN on my Kindle. It was written to promote a new novel of his. Classic Koontz writing.

David DeLee

A Cold Wind - a Grace deHaviland novella

GALLOWS LANE by Brian McGilloway -- This is the second in a procedural series about an Irish police inspector set in Ireland on the border with North Ireland.  Now I've backed up and have started the first, BORDERLANDS. 


WASH THIS BLOOD CLEAN FROM MY HAND by Fred Vargas -- I don't know how to categorize this series.  There is a French police inspector but he goes about his business in a strange way, sort of a Gestalt approach to crime-solving.  Her characterizations are appealing.

I've always felt that Vargas writes comedy, or farce.  Things are certainly not very realistic. Does McGilloway write noir, that sort of hopeless Irish stuff?  My tolerance for that is exhausted.

The tone is hopeful, a portrait of a hardworking cop.

Thanks.  Will keep it in mind.

Picked up Robert Crais' TAKEN and started it last night. A great read so far. But, I expected nothing less from Mr. Crais, he is one of my favorites.

David DeLee

A Cold Wind - a Grace deHaviland novella

I'm starting 'Taken' next week. 

This week it's 'Moonlight Mile' by Dennis LeHane

and 'Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception' :D 

Been busily catching up - Red Queen by H.M. Brown, Die Twice by Andrew Grant and a true crime book The Double Life of Herman Rockefeller by Hilary Bonney.  Now I'm getting back into the Gus Drury series by Tony Black with Loss.

Reading the final Steig Larrson book.  Good stuff.  Next I'm rereading Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.

I'm reading "Wild Bill," by CrimeSpace's Dana King. It's about two rivals fighting for control of a mob, and the police trying to play one off the other. Great stuff.

Swag by Elmore Leonard (his output varies in quality from just OK to amazing, this one at the upper end)

and a non-fiction book about the Gardner Musuem Heist, name of the author escapes me right now (interesting but too much physical description for a non-fiction book)


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