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Just read the last page of Peter May's Freeze Frame.

Fantastic writer!

Just starting Toby Ball's The Vault, a dystopian world where apparently files on every one are kept in an underground vault in a noir unnamed City. 

Finally started the Gary Disher Inspector Challis series, The Dragon Man.

This is a very good book, after reading Candice Fox's Hades last month I must say that the future of Australian crime writing is very bright indeed.

Give these writers a try, you wont be sorry.

I just finished reading A Study in Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas.  It is a imagined Sherlock Holmes - where Sherlock is a woman.  Well written, great characters.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The Procane Chronicle by Oliver Bleek aka Ross Thomas

Pavel and I, by Dan Vyleta.  Setting is Berlin, ten days during the Christmas season, 1946.  Six characters do some good things and some bad things.  An amazing book.

Quota by Jock Serong.

Anyone who grew up in small town anywhere will enjoy this.

CHARLIE JARDIM has just trashed his legal career in a spectacular courtroom meltdown, and his fiancee has finally left him. When an old friend slings him a prosecution brief that will take him to the remote coastal town of Dauphin, Charlie reluctantly agrees that the sea air might be good for him.

The case is a murder. The victim was involved in the illegal abalone trade and the even more illegal drug trade. and the witnesses aren't talking.

The Crime & Thriller group on is discussion Tom Clancy's "The Hunt for Red October."  Very interesting discussion there.  Wow, this book started slowly!  How did he get this first 50 pages past an editor?  Jump on in and join the discussion there.


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