If you're into writing crime short stories, and like a little competition once in a while, there's a contest over at the Crime and Suspense ezine that just started. There's no fee to enter, but then again, there's no prize money either.

BUT! The first prize winner gets a signed set of four Austin Camacho's Hannibal Jones novels, and there are second and third place prizes as well.

For all the rules, requirements, etc., pop over to Crime and Suspense and hit the link for the contest, on the main page.

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Hi Tony,

I enter all your contests, but---I never win. What's up with that?

Hmmm. I dunno, Dennis! Since the last four have all been voted on by those who didn't know who was writing each story... I bet somehow it's jinxed. Yeah... that's it! That's the ticket!! JINXED!!


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