I hope I'm putting this up in the right place....

I'm doing my very first guest blog ever at Susan Henderson's writer hangout, www.litpark.com. It's called (if you haven't guessed) "How To Make Someone You Love a Murderer," a backstory of a story that I'll have in the Sept/Oct issue of Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. There are photos and everything--even me with my head in a towel. Rough stuff!


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Congrats on your guest appearance. How are you finding Southern Illinois these days? Have you been out to the Touch of Nature center yet? Have you dipped that lab in any of the lakes? I just got back from running my two critters at a local county park. They are "urban" retrievers, but still love to run up a rabbit.

Karyn Powers
SIU Class of 91 MSED


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