I have been on a quest since discovering the outstanding novels highlighted by Hard Case Crime, to finding the novels of the pulp and post pulp era authors. I recently found one such author, whose book "The Grifters" was the basis of a movie I really enjoyed, who fit the bill.

Jim Thompson had a long career and thanks to the publisher "Black Lizard" (now a part of Random House) his work saw a resurgence in the 1980s.

Here are a few links that are much more informative that anything I could write:




I am currently reading "The Killer Inside Me" and am really enjoying it. I am hoping to read "The Grifters", "Wild Town" and "Cropper's Cabin"

Do you have any favorite Jim Thompson books or do any writers claim Thompson as one of their influences?

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I love Jim Thompson. "The Kill-Off" is one of my favorites, along with "Pop. 1280." I also love his autobiographical books "Roughneck" and "Bad Boy," though I think he let his fictional skills run wild with the facts sometimes.


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