Sisters in Crime's Forensic University of St. Louis, Nov. 1-4, 2007

Two and a half days of forensic science classes for writers. Taught by forensic and law enforcement professionals. Headliners: Jan Burke, Eileen Dreyer, Dr. D. P. Lyle, and Lee Lofland (retired detective). Courses include ABCs of forensic science, toxicology, forensic anthropology, forensic odontology, forensic entomology, history of forensics, criminology, cold case investigations, DNA 101, trauma and wounds, crimes and minds: a scientific perspective, basics of police procedure, bomb and arson investigations, footwear/tire impressions/toolmarks/trace evidence, warrants and searches, blood spatter interpretation, medicolegal death investigation inside the crime lab, canine law enforcement, use of firearms, forensic pathology and autopsies, and interviews/interrogation techniques.

For more information go to or

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I think this is one of the finest events ever for crime and mystery writers. Shoot, it's even going to be a great event for anyone who just likes watching shows like CSI and The Forensic Files. Where else (in one weekend) could you shoot a gun, learn about autopsy, evidence, and police procedure, witness fighting techniques and how cops take weapons away from bad guys, get a crash course on search warrants, DNA, and insect evidence? I am really honored to be a part of such a star-studded program.
Lee, and we're really glad to have you.

I hope people realize we've put a cap on the total number of attendees. We've done that so people are able to interact with their "instructors" and get their questions answered. The conference will NOT be audio or videotaped so that law enforcement officials can speak with candor....



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