Crimespacers, I need your help.
I'm a reporter that does a weekly Q&A column with an author and while I normally try to keep columns ready to go for several weeks out, I have depleted my stash.
I need three or four authors (no self-published/vanity-published authors... sorry... that's my editor's requirement) who are willing to be in the hot seat for a Q&A about their books, their writing process, etc. If you go to my page, you'll find links to past victims.
The incentive? The local library here pulls the titles they have from authors featured in a column for a special display table.
If you are interested, leave me a comment or send me a message please!

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Hi gang...

After a hiatus from doing interviews, I realize I miss it and want to get back to doing it.

Some things have changed since my last plea: I'm not a reporter anymore so the column doesn't get picked up by the paper anymore, but I still post it on my blog ( I'm now in a new! Bigger! City! so there are more potential readers of the blog here. The library here has yet to learn about me, but I'm working on it.

I know some folks contacted me the last time and I never got around to you. Post again and I'll get your name in the upcoming rotation.

Yeah, sure. Drop me a line at
Bethnay, my book, Chasin' the Wind, comes out on March 19th and I would be happy to do an interview. You can check my website, and reach me through there.
Hey -- just saw this!
Burl Barer, Edgar Award winner blah blah blah....visit for my page
My next book, MOM SAID KILL comes out October 7th 2008
in the meantime:
Burl Barer, Edgar Award winner, teams up with famous attorney Don Woldman for a live hour of mystery mayhem, controversy and true crime -- with special guests from the world of crime and mystery literature!!

If you can see that picture, it is of Don Woldman. This week, March 22nd, our guests are Private Eye Fred Wolfson, investigative journalist Steven Long, and author Suzy Spencer who is doing a new survey on SEX IN AMERICA. Judi Faye, singer actress and tarot card reader will grill Suzy like a swordfish.

LISTEN LIVE 2pm Pacific (Los Angeles time) at just click on the listen live link.
We are on just before Matt Alan's show where Don and I are regulars
Absolutely, count me in!

Ron Adams


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