And it was necessary! The plot was not terribly unique, although the two protagonists were. Think they are worth saving in the long run and using in a book with a more original plot. But two good characters are not worth continuing in a plot that by the time it is finished and submitted, will be done to death.

The new one though...this one has legs, a good hook and several intriguing people already developing. Liking it pretty well so far.

Still, I was surprised at how easy it was letting my first baby go. I thought it would be more painful. After I put it a way awhile, went back and reread it, the problems were obvious and I pulled the plug rather easily!

How does it affect you all, as writers, when you have worked hard at a novel and have had to face the fact that it was not going to work? Do you get discouraged? Do you accept it as a learning process?

Or am I just a tramp? See a new stud on the horizon and just toss the old one aside like yesterday's salmon? Sorry baby, it was good while it lasted but the excitement is gone, LOL!

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I know I'm still in my learning phase (no publishing credits here yet), but last winter, I put aside my first ever novel that I'd written and moved on.
I still get ideas for how to revamp the first one, and someday I hope to go back to it. But, meanwhile, I don't think the time spent on that book was wasted.
I can't say for sure, but I'm fairly confident that the first draft of the new WIP is far better because of it.
I don't have a lot of problem pulling the plug on something I'm writing only because I know that at some point I'll look at it again and cannibalize it for something else. If what I'm working on isn't working, there's probably something in there that I like that I can use some other time or on something else I'm working on. Nothing ever truly goes away.
From my limited experience let me have a crack. According to JK Konrath you have to be merciless and kill off your little darlings ruthessly (he's referring to words like said, replied, asked and so on). as for you (and me) I think when it comes to writing we have to be total, amoral, tramps. with no guilt or remorse for destroying what we have created (though it may be briliant, according to us) , if it doesn't fit or doesn't work. I think you were probably right to do what you did. just keep slogging. you'll get it perfect.
Oh I do! I'm a regular, freaking Medea!!!!
right. i think it's the only way.
I agree with Jon, Stephen and Carole's valid points. I think that keeping the character's you've created, if you feel they are worthy is a positive part of the deal. Even if the plot/story failed, if your characters have a great deal of strength to use elsewhere, then all is not lost!
I've often started a story, and developed characters, that were far more evolved than the original story, and I did the same; I'd be surprised if there weren't more authors that hadn't done this! I hope your new adaptation is a winner!


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