Thanks to all my new friends. Just wanted to let you know that Pegasus Books will be publishing my latest novel, called Mean Town Blues, some time next year (just made the sale.) For any of you in the Milwaukee area, I'll be appearing at Mystery One next Thursday, September 20, at 7:00, talking about and signing Dooley's Back and Homicide 69. And I'll be at Bouchercon in Anchorage at the end of the month. Hope to see some of you there.

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Is the new book an addition to the Dooley or Cooper series?
No, it's a stand-alone. It's about a Kentucky boy just back from a rough tour in Iraq who comes to Chicago and finds out that the reactions that you need in a war zone can get you in trouble back in the world. There are more Dooley books in the pipeline (and one Cooper that was never published), but the publishers aren't going for them so far. I'm hoping they'll see the light of day eventually.
Sounds great, Sam. I know you have lamented about getting noticed, but I'm glad I found you. I've read both Dooley novels and the first in the Cooper series. Of the two series, I like the Dooley yarns better. I actually read HOMICIDE 69 first, not knowing it was a prequel.


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