Don't know whether folks here will be interested, but just in case, I thought I'd let everyone know that the doors have quietly been opened early on the new "Crime Book Club" we're working with Barnes & Noble to operate on their web site. The goal is to have discussions on various crime fiction-related topics in a way and a location that draws in not only hardcore aficionados and professionals like us but also the wider mass-market audience of mystery readers that visit B&N's site. Scheduled participants on the "pro" side include Jason Starr, Ken Bruen, Allan Guthrie, Megan Abbott, Duane Swierczynski, and Charlie Huston (and me)...and needless to say, all of you are welcome to chip in as well.

You can find the site at; you have to register if you want to post, but not if you just want to read what people are saying.

Charles Ardai
Editor, Hard Case Crime

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this is a great idea, Charles. I'm there.


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