Congrats!  Getting this kind of attention on "Detectives beyond Borders"  is praise indeed.

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Mother of lucifer, that's the second time Peter reviewed me. I'm going to pass out. See you in five minutes.

Nice review.


David DeLee

Author of Crystal White

Way to go, Benji!

And yes I called you Benji. LOL!

The Maynard Soloman stories are first rate stuff. Inclusion in DBB is quite a feat, particularly in light of how the site is geared more toward non-American crime fiction. Kudos to Ben.

Aw, jeez, you guys are too nice. Starting to make me think typing on a keyboard with my forehead is actually working.

Congrats! Not in on how big a feat this is but judging by what everyone else is saying, it sounds like it's quite an achievement. Keep it up, man.

 Keep up the good work, sir!

 Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home”


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