Currently accepting guest blogs and columns for Mystery Tribune Online Newspaper.

In order to provide a broader base of contents and leverage the inights and reviews of crime fiction community at Crime Space, we are currently accepting guest columns, blogs (and occasionally reviews) in the genre of crime and suspense.

Our site, Mystery Tribune ( is essentially an online newspaper for crime fiction and suspense novels.



We review around 100 crime fictions a month and provide industry news, interviews with authors and giveaways.


You can contact us through info [at] mysterytribune [dot com].


We are looking forward to hearing from you.


Views: 376

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Thanks for stopping by.  It looks good.

Looks great, cats and kittens.

In the words of Darkwing Duck, "Let's get dangerous!"

Looks great! How many hits are you getting on the website per day/week?

Hey folks, I recommend getting in touch with Ehsan about this. I did and he's already published a post by me (that's the sound of my own horn tooting you can hear ... ) : The Trouble with Harries

It's an interesting site, too.

Great looking site! Will check it out.


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