I found a great press and wanted to share the link with everyone here on CS. It's http://thepermanentpress.com.
The reason I'm recommending the link is that, in prepping to pitch at Killer Nashville, I learned that Marty Shepard, editor and publisher, pressed a cool novel called Head Shot by Mike Befeler.
It seems that the main character is . . . well, a surly "geezer," who is a former boxer turned handyman running from the law. I find this conceptually interesting, but I wonder if this particular hard-boiled sub-genre is limited to readers in specific age groups, like Boomers and such.
This is the first time I've heard of geezer-lit, but I recall a couple of CS authors whose work might be classified as such. I've also written a novel that might qualify as "geezer lit," so I'm trying to learn about the genre and its potential audience.
All help is appreciated.
The age of the protagonist only matters to me if he or she is too old (or too young) to credibly pull of what they're depicted as doing. (Taking on a gang of toughs armed with only a baseball bat if the character is 80 or 12, for example.)
Of course, I'm old myself, so it's entirely possible that I'll take any character that doesn't play loud music at night and stays off my lawn.
The only one that specifically comes to mind is a guy who wrote a series about elder travel. Cozies, of course, tend in that direction.
As for your example, while not having read the book, I feel that such a character may simply be a "character" and as such appeal to a much wider audience.
Thanks, I.J. I was getting worried that my novel, not intended as "geezer lit," might be stuck in such a sub-genre category. I had the mortifying thought that, like YA for young adult, my novel might be dubbed "OA" for old adult.
Yep, prompted by your input, I can see that a lot of cozies might fit in the category, although I never think of them--or haven't until now--as such.
I'm also not fond of sub- and sub-genres, or the types of labels that too-tightly classify our writing. I haven't read Head Shot yet, either, but will do so soon--just to see what the genre really is.
I'm in the UK and had trouble understanding what you guys meant by 'geezer' – old feller.
Here, geezer just means a guy or a bloke, and 'geezer movies' are things like Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, basically street-level gangster films about young thugs.
Two genres, the same word – completely different geezers.
Interesting, Robin. Maybe you can clear up something that has haunted me for a while. While in London, I asked the concierge at the Hilton to "buzz" me in the morning. I simply wanted him to call my room and give me a wake-up call. He was highly offended. Did I ask him to do something really terrible?
Note: I'll remember not to call a Brit a "geezer" next visit.
If I could have my books listed as "Geezer Lit" and shelved in the "Geezer" section of the book store I'd like that more than "mystery." My publisher keeps telling me that when more men over fifty get Kindles as Father's Day gifts I'll start selling more books.
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