... that I can publish my crime-novel in America? Where do I get a serious publisher for it? Who can give me a tipp?

As you can see on my profile, my new crime is about Second Life. Here in Germany it's a difficult theme. I would lucky to hear, what do you think about the marketing-chances.

best wishes

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No short-cuts around here, Ingrid. You need an agent.
Thank you very much.

best wishes
Do you have an agent in Germany? Your agent should contact an American agent and offer your book. This is likely to be possible only if your book is published and has received excellent reviews and has decent sales.
Thank you, I.J. No, I have no agent in Germany, but the book was published in March this year. It's not my first one, but the first with this theme. So, you're right, I think, I have to wait a little bit more, to look how the selling of the books is, and then I will look for a german agent.

Thanks a lot. May I can add you to my friends?

best wishes
Of course, you can add me to your friends. We share a first name and native country. Good luck!
Oh, that's great, Ingrid. ;-)
Thank you.
Ingrid--I would think your agent in Germany would have some contacts with U.S. agencies. But if your book is selling well and is ranked on someone's sales list, I'd pick an agent who works your kind of genre and make them a sales pitch.
Okay, but until this happens, B.R., it's a lot of work for me, to become the book known. I thought the PR-Company in Munich of LindenLab (Second Life, San Francisco) would help me more, as promised, but now I stand alone there and the publisher in Germany also leave it by me. Normally it's no problem for me, to push my book, because I always give readings and I know a lot of people from the press, by the radio and on television, but they don't believe in Second Life. It's too phantastic for them. They thought, it's a game, but it isn't. It's a virtual world to have another way of communication, business and so on. But I try to push my book over the Internet and over Second Life. Hope it work's well.

I'll keep u informed, if you will be interested. ;-)

Thanks to all of you, for the quick help.

best wishes
Ingrid, get on the computer and find Preditors & Editors. They have a long list of Lit Agents. Check that out. And check out a site called AgentQuery.com

May I suggest looking for an agent who has a taste for science-fiction and mysteries. Your book sounds like it has the qualities of both.
Thank you so much, B.R. for the concrete tipps.

I'll do my best. ;-)

Best wishes for the new week.


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