Recently I've decided to scrap the first MS I ever wrote and start over from scratch. This is because the time difference between my first MS and my WIP is about 3 years. I am older, wiser, and I think (hope) I've become a better writer. When I went back over my first MS I noticed some desperately amateur mistakes in the writing. It made me want to go back and write the whole thing again, this time paying attention to key stylistic devices and developing my plot beyond the simple "Who-dunnit" one I have now.
It has been brought to my attention that this behaviour is a) neurotic and b) pointless because I'm such a perfectionist that I'm still going to think the end result is shite no matter how well-written it is.
So quick question ladies and gents - am I being neurotic? Would you re-write a 70,000 word MS (from scratch) because you believe it's not your best work? If you wouldn't, then how many edits does your work go through before you deem it 'ready'?
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