So excited! A real one!

Just wanted to drop in and thank all you guys here for your continued support, before the terror sets in.

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Congratulations! Here's wishing you good luck and clear skies from this point forward with your writing.


Good!  May it all work out perfectly for you!

Awesome. Hope it turns into a good relationship :-)


That's great news! Good for you. :)

Awesome!  Great luck on the subs! 


Congratulations. That's a tough trick in this day and age.

What is the book about?

Not surprised! I remember your query. It had a GREAT voice. Congrats, and good luck with the next steps!

You go, girl! Great news! Now pop open the bubbly! ROFL!

This is wonderful!  You've been working so hard and we were all cheering you on! You didn't give up and that's the key!

Wishing great things for you!

Fantastic! Congratulations.


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