As if life EVER slows down these days, (ha) the months of November and December are going to keep me busy with local events as well as a virtual book tour throughout December. You'll find all the dates, times, and locations/links in the “Events” page on my site

Please mark your calendar for the following!

November 10, 2008 10 AM ~ Interview on COFFEE WITH AN AUTHOR, an interactive, live Internet talk-radio show on COFFEE WITH AN AUTHOR is live every Monday at 10 AM (CST). The show is hosted on BlogTalkRadio by

Click here to read the press release:

So if you get a chance on Monday morning, grab a cup of coffee with me and Sam Harper on November 10 at 10 AM (CST). Nothing bad will happen to you if you don’t, but don’t be surprised if Harper knocks on your door and hauls you in for questioning (evil grin). Really, I'd love to hear from you!!

For those of you interested, all the reviews and related articles are listed getting listed on my website as they arrive. You’ll find all the latest here:

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