This doesn't come as a total surprise, but that doesn't mean it's any less important. Three things to consider:

1) Will the Justice Department win its suit? (my thought: yes)

2) Regardless of the outcome, will Amazon come out on top? (my thought: yes)

3) Are you worried about your titles? (me: no)

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Well, personally my titles were removed by Amazon (Kindle editions) when the contract with IPG wasn't renewed so I hope all this gets settled soon.

Well maybe you recognize this, but that's entirely unrelated, John. The IPG situation is Amazon exercising its monopsony power (by squeezing suppliers), not the Big Six colluding against Amazon. Unfortunately, the DOJ's decision only enhances Amazon's monopsony power in the short term.

But as the article linked to by Benjamin states there is simply a moratorium on the agency model for two years rather than a ban, so that's a good thing. IMO competition against Amazon in publishing needs to survive and thrive for authors to do best in the long run. Otherwise Amazon royalties will eventually head south. (That's what monopsony theory predicts, at any rate.)

Yes, I know it's seperate, it's just my excuse to talk about my titles, as Benjamin said ;).

There either needs to be competition against Amazon or some regulation. The question will be what exactly is Amazon if it has market dominance of e-books? Is it a distribution system that treats all publishers equally or is it  a publisher in competition with other publishers? We'll have to wait and see, I guess.

I just hope it gets worked out. This is the second time my publisher has had a fight with Amazon just as a book of mine has been released (the last time was McMillan's fight when I was with St. Martins). I like the idea of small presses (and I really like the one I'm with) and I hope this can get worked out. This fight happened just as my first three novels were published in a single e-book bundle for nine bucks - as far as I know it's only available for the Kobo since this fight with Amazon. I really get the feeling Amazon wants to deal only with individuals which may not be a bad thing, but could be.

Since I have no place else to go, I hope Amazon comes out on top.  I have tried to put some of my titles elsewhere via Smashwords and B&N, and the returns have been miserable.  Smashwords has never paid me a cent since last September.  I have no idea where that money is.  B&N pays a very moderate sum.  It's only Kindle that's been making some money for me.

I should add that Penguin has 4 of my e-titles.  They are about the only thing that Penguin sells for me, but since their prices are at 12.99, they don't sell many.  I'm guessing they wouldn't sell any if I didn't still build readership via self-pubbed books.

Smashwords has a $10 threshold, and then you have to tell them you want the money. Otherwise it just sits there.

Aha!  Who knew?  They actually want people to tell them they'd like their money?


Thanks, Benjamin.  I'll go see what I must do.

I see they have about 32 dollars of mine.  They only pay after each quarter, and then add 30 days because their customers are slow in paying, and then don't write a check unless the amount is at least 75 dollars.  So much for Smashwords.  I don't want to deal with this sort of nonsense.

I believe if you choose to get paid via PayPal, the threshold is only $10.

Yes, I know.  But I do much, much better with Kindle exclusives.

Me, too. By far. The titles I keep in Smashwords are just loss leaders.

Oh.  I see.  Thanks.

I think all this will go away after the election.  Apple is a success and the current administration is jealous and are looking for a way to take over another industry.


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