So, what is everyone reading? I'm always looking for new authors and series to get into. Anyone have any suggestions?

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Welcome, Ronald.



Thank you! :-)

Welcome and congrats on getting a publusher. Good luck.


Hello all, and welcome!  If you run your eyes down the various topic sections, you'll see a READING ROOM.  The thread "What are you currently reading?" tends to contain recommendations (or not).  A new thread for recommendations should perhaps be started there.  I'm sure a lot of people would be interested.

Hi I.J. I'll look for that tread. I'm new here so I'm still learning how things work around here.

Thanks for the information,


Thank you that's great! Carol

I'm a new author!  Check out Lead Poisoning, the story of what happens when a mob troubleshooter retires to New Hampshire with his family.


Right now I'm reading short fiction - The Best Noir of the Century.  Really good short stories by the boatload, it's a huge book.


Ron, I'm into Stieg Larsson right now.  I'd like to save my discussion of Stieg's work for my blog and hope you'll join me there this Wednesday evening.  I'm doing a critical autopsy of tropes used by mystery and suspense authors, and this week I'm looking at Jeffery Deaver's "The Bodies Left Behind."  Come joing me: I'm hoping for some in-depth discussion and a the chance to learn what you like so I can - yup - write my own novels.  I'm at  I'm also open to suggestions of novels you'd like to autopsy.  I haven't ordered them yet, but I'm ramping up to read all of Laura Lippman's and Michael Connelly's novels.  You into them? 
The Parker series by Richard Stark (who was actually Donald Westlake) are always good, starting with The Hunter.
I'm going to look into that, thanks Terrence...
My current reading list includes long-time favorites Michael Connelly (The Reversal), Harlan Coben (Back Spin), and John Grisham (The Confession). Just finished John Lescroart's latest, Damage, released Jan. 4th. (Read the ARC before interviewing him). John's novels are liking renewing old friendships. Love his characters, and his descriptions of San Francisco remind me when I once lived in that city. Damage is a good read. If you want to read the interview, here is the link: Interview with Author John Lescroart

Thanks Mark,

I'm from Oakland Ca so John Lescroart sounds interesting. I'll check his work out. I appreciate the heads up. Grisham is always good and believe it or not I think I'm the only one in the world who hasn't read Michael Connelly. smh. I'll have to change that...LOL



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