Hi all, I am a brand new member here and i have spent some time looking around this site and, while i have found it interesting it appears to me to be related to well established/published writers. Unfortunately i am not in that group. Yes of course i would like to be but i am not there yet, maybe one day.

I was hoping to find a site where a newbie like myself could learn. Is there such a site? I am a complete new starter at writing and haven't found any posts suitable - have i missed them?

Thanks for reading this.

E from the UK.

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Thank you both, i will stick around and hope to learn a lot. It is nice to mix with writers because i sit here on my own and talk to myself - i hope those men in white coats don't hear me, lol.
If you write mystery short stories, the Short Mystery Fiction Society, which is a yahoo group, can be informative for newbies. There's so much for new writers to learn, you should participate in multiple groups if you can.
Thanks Kris, i will investigate that. I want to learn and love learning so every suggestion/idea is very welcome.
Hi E H and welcome.

I am a newbie, joined a few months ago. I had a few chapters down and was foundering, no one to talk with or spark off. Then I joined here. Many of the writers published or unpublished are so generous with their time. Through this forum, I have found a group of writers where I live and have joined a writing course that one of the published authors run. She in turn introduced me to 'Sisters in Crime', 'Clan Destine' and a whole support group, here and on FaceBook. If you see someone in the members that you feel you might click with, or they appear to be interesting, send them a friend request, most will befriend you, then off you go...........Have fun
Thanks Gaile, there is no local writers group near me unfortuantely so no one to chat to. I keep reading the posts here and enjoy the site very much. I am not in the same league as people here but i enjy learning and love to write, just for me of course, so i wll stay a while.
Thanks again
EH: When you're new, it's often hard to get started, but one surefire way is to simply ask questions.

Another thing is to read up yourself so you know more when you read the conversations here. Read writing magazines and books. But also read writer blogs. You can start by just checking out any blogs people mention here, or the blogs people list on their profile. Some people have a LOT of links on their blogs (Elizabeth at Mystery Writing is Murder has tons! http://mysterywritingismurder.blogspot.com/ ) or subscribers.

One great way to to manage all that information (because you will find a LOT) is to set up a Google reader account or a MyYahoo account and just start subscribing to writing blogs left and right. You can browse the headlines and just read those posts that fit your interests. (Don't try to take it ALL in at once - learn to skim.)

Thanks Camille, i will do that.
Hi E H! Welcome
Thank you Sharon


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