Hey Guys, Do we have any rock climbers in our membership? I need my very strong male character to throw a rope over a pipe, about fifteen feet high that is suspended from the ceiling. He then needs…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Gaile Hughes Sep 28, 2011.
Hi Guys,Can anyone offer me some insight. I'm writing a chapter that includes an attempted murder where a a person on a trail bike 'power slides' into a road bike. The person on the road bike is…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Gaile Hughes Apr 13, 2011.
Okay fellow travellers, what's your take on a ‘Cozy Story’, who writes them, what qualifies them?Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Gaile Hughes Aug 28, 2010.
I am writing my first 'important to the plot' murder scene investigation, with victim in situ. How much detail do you describe, would you write a couple of pages, a chapter or just a paragraph or…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Julie Dolcemaschio Sep 8, 2010.
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Yes, I am a bit of a night owl. I think it's catching up with me, though, so a few early nights are prescribed. That'll surprise my husband!
Yes I always like to put in my two penn'ort, so doubtless I'll see you on the forums.It might be a while yet, though, as I've just signed up for Twitter and Facebook Fan Pages as well as a blog (God, Am I mad? When will I have time to actualaly write the bloody books?! ).
I'll let you know the next time I have something you may enjoy!
I've got other stuff you can check out on my blog Uppercut Avenue.
Write on!
Hope you have lots of success with your writing and we see your books out there soon! ;-)
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