I have just joined the site. I'm not sure this is the best thread to introduce myself, so please bear with me if it isn't.

I have written and self-published two novels, A Light Not of This World, and Seneca Point. I have posted pictures and brief descriptions.

I have finished a third novel, The Blue Girl Murders, set in Baltimore in 1966, and currently am querying agents in hopes of getting this book published more conventionally.  It has been through an on-line workshop on another site, and has received very positive comments.

In addition to writing, I am a bookseller and avid reader. My wife, Jan, and I have operated two used/collectible bookstores, with mysteries one of our largest specialties. We now sell only on-line. Our business name is Basset Books, our website is http://www.bassetbooks.com.

Dan Riker

Columbia MD


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Welcome, Dan.  This is fine for introductions.  Much good luck with the books!

I agree with IJ, as so often do during my more lucid moments. :-)


This is a fine introduction, and I hope you enjoy Crimespace as much as I have, neighbor. (I'm in Laurel.)

Oh, thank you, Dana.  The place is strangely quiet lately.  No idea why.  As Caroline told me privately, she misses the discussions about the craft of crime writing.  I do too.  Maybe new members like Dan will put some life back into our chats.
It has been kind of quiet lately. I've noticed lulls like this from time to time. Fresh blood like Dan is always good to keep old-timers like me from stagnating.
:)  Oh, come!  Spring chicken.


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