Jordan Dane’s debut novel NO ONE HEARD HER SCREAM was announced as Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year for 2008. Dane’s debut novel was one of five books selected in the mass-market category by the prestigious national reviewer. PW stated, "Dane crafts this debut murder mystery with tight plotting and smooth prose, and adds a few sparks to create a story that appeals to mainstream thriller readers as well as romantic suspense fans." Dane is a member of the International Thriller Writer debut program, class of 2007/2008.

Visit for more information on Dane’s novels and a preview of her next release EVIL WITHOUT A FACE (Feb 09, Avon), the start of her Sweet Justice series. The women in this new series give Lady Justice a whole new reason to wear blinders.

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What wonderful, wonderful news! Simply awesome.

Thanks, Ken. This came as such a shock. My editor sent me flowers and I feel like such a prom queen. Best wishes to you and I hope to catch up with you on the conference circuit in 2009.
Excellent, My Dear Bud,

I knew her when...
I'm still stunned. Who knows how all this works, but I'm glad they hit me with the happy stick.
I am so thrilled by your success. It doesn't come easy, especially in today;s economic situation and the stron competiton for the entertainment dollar.

You're building a niche'---keep 'er up. I hoists a cup o' scotch your way.
And I'll tip one back for you too. Here's mud in your eye.


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