I'll say it right up front;  with the advent of epublishing I think there's been a rebirth of the short-story.  In fact I think in both volume and in quality, ebook publishers are bringing to the reading market some of the best written stories ever seen.


What's more, a number of epublishers are actively seeking out authors who want to write a series using the short-story as its main vehicle for presentation to the reading public.  I have no less than three such series going on with Trestle Press.


And I'm happy as a lark about it.  Here's one of my newest series.  Classic police-procedural detective work.


Eleven stories featuring Turner Hahn and Frank Morales.  Only the beginning for these two.  Lots more stories coming.  Here's the Amazon site for it.


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Congrats on all the published stories, B.R. Seems like I can't look at Facebook without seeing a promo for a new collection with you in it. Keep the roll going, the serious cash may come.

Thank you for your kind words, Jack.  But about the money . . . I'll believe when I see it.

B.R., I think you are correct about a rebirth of the short story. I hope so, anyway, as it is my preferred writing format.

This is one area where my interest in self-publishing is very strong. Over the years, I've published five or six short stories, but I think I've made like $10 total. Therefore, I see a huge opportunity to make something - not much - but something.

Interestingly, I've asked several friends in an informal poll, if they'd pay 99 cents for a short story of an author they like.

Of course the answer is across the board yes - but several of them made the point that they are paying 99 cents to $1.29 for ONE song off iTunes. That frequent answer intrigues me even more as to the possibilities of self-publishing short stories.

The reason I've gone away from self-publishing and moved toward an epublisher who likes the short story format is this;  marketing.  Self-publish and you pick one, possibly two outlets to sell your story.  But an epublisher can spread that short story over ten, fifteen, twenty or more outlets where readers can find it.  I'll take my 45 or 55% royalty for that kind of market share.

I'm curious, what markets are they getting you into that the self published author isn't?
David DeLee
Fatal Destiny - a Grace deHaviland novel

Most self-published authors usually only get into Amazon, maybe Smashwords, and a couple of others to sell their books.  But one publisher I use sells their products thru about 40 different ebook outlets all over the world.  Another one is rapidly approaching that number.  And for both the numbers are expanding.

Outlets being Amazon, B&N, et al.?

Amazon has the largest share by far.  And the 45 to 50 % is after Amazon et al. take their 30 %, Right?

Well, you'll have to compare numbers, I think.  How many sold through Amazon vs. how many sold through others that cannot be accessed via PRC, e-pub, or SW.  If those outlets are virtual stores and their sales are significant, you may have something there.  I confess, I'm only going through Kindle and Nook with mine. Getting 70 % above 2.99.  Stories priced at 99 cents only earn 35 cents.  Your publisher would take part of that.

I would suggest you consider going through Smashwords also. Through them you can make your available on Kobo, Apples Itunes, Sony and others. I'm selling as well through those multiple lines as I am through BN.com and my royalties are running between .56 to . 82 on my .99 stories (rates vary with each vendor, of course).
Good luck,
David DeLee
Fatal Destiny - a Grace deHaviland novel

We're on Smashwords as well, David.  Plus Trestle press, my publisher, I believe just signed a deal to  expand into Europe via a number of ebook sites.

That's why I say there is an advantage in useing a epublisher and not going it alone in the self-publishing mode.

I don't know but I would venture a guess your overseas presence is through Apple, Kobo & and Amazon as well. They are the big players but through.lots of different websites youve never heard of. I'm on a European site Xinxii.com without much activity. If you are on sites other than ones connected to Apple, Kobo, & Amazon I'd be interested in knowing which ones. I'd bet they're letting indies in, no reason for them not to.

Btw, I'm not dissing your decision to go with online publisher, for 45-55 % royalty isn't bad if they are giving you service you'd have to pay for out of pocket and don't want to do; editing, formatting, covers, etc. Plus they are putting you in front of readers you might not reach otherwise.
My question is about rights. Do you retain the right to your work, and if so what are the terms for usage returning to you?
Good discussion
David DeLee
Fatal Destiny - a grace deHaviland novel

Yes.  Thanks, David.  I tried that.  The formatting for Smashwords costs more.  When you only make 35 cents per sale, that becomes a dubious investment.  I thought they all paid the same as Amazon.  Am I wrong about that?


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