During the month of May, I will visit sixteen blogs, be interviewed twice on Internet radio shows, and visit the Barnes & Noble online mystery book club to promote the May 15 release of the second book in my Claire Hanover gift basket designer mystery series, To Hell in a Handbasket.

Every time you comment on one of my guest blog posts, or comment on my blog during the tour, you will be entered into a drawing for an autographed set of both books in the Claire Hanover gift basket designer mystery series. So, besides supporting a fellow Crimespace member and seeing an example of a virtual tour, you'll have a chance to win something!

Lastly, local bookstore, Black Cat Books, is supporting my virtual tour by being a sales source for autographed copies of either To Hell in a Handbasket or A Real Basket Case at http://manitoubooks.com/

Did this take a lot of planning and preparation? You betcha!

You can see the full schedule of my tour at:

The fun starts May first!
- Beth Groundwater

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Today, I am discussing book touring (and traveling in general) on the cheap today at: http://www.heydeadguy.typepad.com/ . Got any tips?
- Beth
I am discussing Author Visits to Book Clubs at http://writersplot.typepad.com/writersplot/ today & tomorrow. Come join in the discussion! Have you ever invited an author to your book club, or if you're an author, have you visited a book club?
Today my amateur sleuth character, Claire Hanover, is interviewed at The Lady Killers blog. Here's your opportunity to talk directly to Claire and ask her a question! I hope you'll stop by.

Today I am answering questions from readers at Meritorious Mysteries, Molly Weston's blog for mystery news and reviews (including a nice review of TO HELL IN A HANDBASKET). Please join me and ask whatever is on your mind. I guarantee to give you some kind of answer!


Tomorrow, I am being hosted by the offensive gang (not!) at First Offenders, where I will talk about Stretching the Boundaries of a Cozy Mystery. I call my Claire Hanover books "edgy cozies". Find out why.


I hope you will join me at both stops. Remember, comments enter you into a contest for an autographed set of Claire Hanover books!
Today I am discussing "Stretching the Boundaries of a Cozy Mystery" at: http://firstoffenders.typepad.com/offenders/ . The topic has already generated some controversy in the comments, so join in the scuffle!
Today I am visiting Jen's Book Thoughts (http://jensbookthoughts.blogspot.com/), a lovely book review and author interview site. Along with asking me some probing questions for her interview, Jen wheedled some ski-action photos out of me. Check out the one at the end of interview of me with my husband and kids at the top of the highest detachable quad ski lift in North America!

I got a late start today because I was called into the city court as a potential juror, but after a couple of hours of waiting around, they let me go. I was kind of disappointed because I was looking forward to observing a one or two day trial for research. Please stop by Jen's Blog and comment, so you'll be entered into the blog tour contest for an autographed set of Claire Hanover books. I'll be checking Jen's blog tomorrow, too, because I don't have another stop until Monday
Eighth Stop on the To Hell in a Handbasket Blog Book Tour

Today & tomorrow, I am discussing researching Colorado sheriff's offices at The Little Blog of Murder ( http://www.thelittleblogofmurder.com/ ). Please stop by to read what I learned in the El Paso County Sheriff's Citizen Academy and ask me questions about researching local sheriff’s offices. And if you've had any interesting experiences with your local county sheriff’s office or police department, would you like to share? ;-)
- Beth
Today, I am discussing book covers in my article "You Can't Judge a Book by its Cover" at the Murder By 4 blog: http://murderby4.blogspot.com/ . Read about the one that almost made me cry!

I was at Mysterious People (http://mysteriouspeople.blogspot.com/) the last two days with an interview and an article about interviewing characters to get to know them.

Sunday at 4 pm EST you can chat with me live at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/KimS

I hope you'll join me in the fun! Today is the official release date for To Hell in a Handbasket.
- Beth
At 2 pm MST, 4 pm EST today I will be a guest on Kim Smith's blogtalkradio show, Introducing WRITERS. You can listen in by going to: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/KimS
Today, the amateur sleuth in my gift basket designer mystery series, Claire Hanover, is visiting the Killer Hobbies blog ( http://www.killerhobbies.blogspot.com/ ) to talk about Tips for Making Effective Gift Baskets. I hope you'll stop by for a chat with her!

Tomorrow at the same blog, Camillie Minichino, who writes a miniature mystery series under the name of Margaret Grace, will talk about the miniature scene that I commissioned from her. She'll present it to me at the Mayhem in the Midlands conference this coming weekend, and I can barely wait!

After that, I'll take a break from my blog tour to prepare for and attend the conference. I'll be back on Sunday/Monday at the BookBitchBlog ( http://bookbitch.blogspot.com/ ) with a report from the conference.
I had a wonderful time at the Mayhem in the Midlands conference in Omaha, Nebraska this weekend, meeting old and new friends and talking about my books. A full report is at http://bookbitch.blogspot.com/ and photos (including shots of many mystery authors) can be seen at http://bethgroundwater.blogspot.com/ . Enjoy!
Today I am answering questions from members of the online Barnes & Noble Mystery Book Club. Please join in the fun at: http://bookclubs.barnesandnoble.com/bn/board?board.id=MysteryGen


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