When you visit someone's blog, what makes you decide to return or, still better, become a regular visitor? Is it the quality of the writing? The useful information? The relevance to your own writing? All of the above?

I've been blogging regularly since the beginning of May as part of my participation in the online Blog Book Tours class, and I'm still honing in on what I want the blog to be. There are more than enough blogs on how to write and how to get published, so I don't want to make that my focus. On the other hand, how much do people really care about my personal history and random musings?

I'd love to hear from you, either here or in comments on my blog. Who knows, I may even quote you in my next post - with your permission, of course.

Julie Lomoe
Julie Lomoe's Musings Mysterioso

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Quote away! I'll watch for the alert.
I like to read about the internal goings-on of the human writing the blog. For me, reading blogs is about finding points of understanding -- seeing other people going thru things I myself have gone thru, and perhaps having a slightly different take on the experience; or seeing people go thru things I'd like to or am afraid to, and how they fared. In a way, it's a form of vicarious living. People who write a lot about 'stuff' -- facts, figures, what the cat did today, etc. -- lose me pretty quick. Angst will keep me reading every time.

I love the "angst" comment - because a lot of my posts seem to be pretty angst-ridden.
If I'm interested enough to leave a comment, then I tend to return. But that doesn't happen a lot. I've read that questions in blogs are more likely to engage readers, and make them want to post comments. I try to remember to include questions in my blogs, though they don't always fit.
Thanks, Kris. Your comment reminded me that I need to include more questions at the end of my blog, and I went back and added one to my Saturday post. But I forgot again today, when I was posting about "Blatant Self-Promotion." Hope you'll stop by and comment!

Julie Lomoe
Julie Lomoe's Musings Mysterioso
Yes, people like to be consulted for their opinion. Gets them every time.


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