I'm trying a new approach to a book tour, a mystery. I hope it will be more fun for my readers. Feel free to drop by:
Already finished:
October 6th, BookWorm Ink Interview (UK)
October 28, Castle and Quill Novel Prep Academy,
October 31, Off the Shelf Interview (USA)
Upcoming--the in-store mysteries in red, of course
November 2nd: Guest Blog at Book End Babes
November 3: Launch Party and in-store Mystery at Hastings Books, Enid
November 11: In-store Mystery and Book Signing at Hastings in College Station Gig ‘em Ags!
November 12: Crime City Central (UK) will feature the first chapter of DISTORTION on their radio/podcast. It’s also an iTunes download. I can take you down murderous backstreets while you’re jogging on the treadmill.
November 12: KPFT Houston’s Larry Payne will interview me on “Interchange” at 8pm; also available as a podcast after it airs
November 12: Guest post on Sara Jayne Townsend’s “Imaginary Friends...
November 15: In-store Mystery and Book Signing at Domy Bookshop/Gallery, Houston (This shop is just blocks from the first murder in the book.)
November 16th: Guest post on Jungle Red Writers blog
December 13: Mom’s Night Out and Book Signing, Northpark Mall, OKC
January 12, 2013: In-store Mystery and Book Signing at Hastings Books, Norman, OK