Joseph Finder

United States

Profile Information:

Boston, MA
About Me:
I wrote the bestsellers KILLER INSTINCT, COMPANY MAN, and PARANOIA, and POWER PLAY, as well as four earlier novels (THE MOSCOW CLUB, EXTRAORDINARY POWERS, THE ZERO HOUR, and HIGH CRIMES). VANISHED, published in 2009, launched a new series featuring "private spy" Nick Heller; the second Nick Heller novel, BURIED SECRETS, will be out in June 2011.

COMPANY MAN won Gumshoe and Barry Awards for best thriller, and HIGH CRIMES became a hit movie starrring Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman. KILLER INSTINCT was just nominated for a Thriller award from the International Thriller Writers Association.

I'm a founding member of the International Thriller Writers Association, and active in PEN/New England and the Association of Former Intelligence Officers. You can read more about me at
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Jeff Abbott, Peter Abrahams, Lee Child, Harlan Coben, Michael Connelly, Michael Crichton, Nelson DeMille, Barry Eisler, Janet Evanovich, Tess Gerritsen, Malcolm Gladwell, Gregg Hurwitz, Joseph Kanon, Andrew Klavan, Dennis Lehane, Ira Levin, David Liss, Brian McGrory, Chris Mooney, David Morrell, Tom Perrotta, Jason Pinter, Douglas Preston, Christopher Reich, M.J. Rose, Lisa Scottoline, Daniel Silva, Peter Spiegelman, Mark T. Sullivan
Movies And TV Shows I Like:

Comment Wall:

  • Karen Dionne

    Hey, Joe - congrats on your nomination for a Thriller for Best Novel. KILLER INSTINCT is the book that turned me into a Finder fan. Fabulous, fabulous read. Good luck!
  • R J Hillhouse

    Congrats, Joe, on the nomination! Fingers are crossed! It's a great read!
  • David J. Montgomery

    There's the man! Congrats on the nom for KILLER. I hope it wins. Terrific book.

    Joe Finder, ladies and gentlemen, knows how to write thrillers.
  • Joseph Finder

    Thanks -- as they say, it's an honor to be nominated!
  • Daniel Hatadi

    Welcome aboard, Joseph. Good to see an ITWA man round these parts.
  • Robert Gregory Browne

    Welcome to the nut house, Joe. Good to see you here.
  • Angie

    Howdy, welcome & congrats on the nom - good luck!
  • Laura Benedict

    Thanks for the friendship!
  • Ali

    Hi Joe -

    Welcome, I came onboard last week - awesome news on KILLER INSTINCT being an ITW Nominated book

    Can't wait for your next

  • Paul Guyot

    What watch are you wearing?
  • Jeffrey Marks

    Congrats on the ITWA award nom!
  • Joan Hiller

    Joe, you write good! ;) Keep them coming, and, yes, I do tell all my friends and family to read J. Finder.
  • Katherine Howell

    Thanks Joe! Love your books.
  • TJ Perkins

    Wow, Joseph, I had no idea you were such a big wig! Congrats on all your accomplishments! I've had lots of people tell me I should write adult blood and gore, but I just have too much fun with the kid stuff. That's so awesome about the move High Crimes. There have been lots of people insisting my book Mystery of the Attic would make a great TV movie for kids, but I'm counting on someone at Nickelodean to pick up the books in the Kim & Kelly Series and make a video game for girls out of them. If you have any connections, that would be most appreciated!
  • Harry Shannon

    Howdy back, Joseph!
  • Krystal Waters

    Hi Joseph! I am looking forward to reading your new book.

    Warm regards,
  • Dave Zeltserman

    Hi Joseph, I'm a fellow Boston writer (well, Brookline, now Needham). I look forward to Power Play.
  • Lee Lofland

    We're nearly neighbors. I'm in the Boston area, too. In fact, I'm going to be speaking for the next MWA meeting in Boston (October I believe). You should drop by.
  • Dave Zeltserman

    I'll be there. Some guys in my office are big fans of yours. I'll let them know about it also.
  • Alison Gaylin

    Thanks for the kind wishes, Joseph -- and great to see you on Crimespace!
  • Lee Lofland

    We'll try to make it to your launch party. Sounds fun.
  • Linda Lee

    Loved Power would make an excellent movie too!
  • RJ

    I agree with Linda - I would love to see Power Play on the bigscreen - It's already a blockbuster in book form!
    Have a great week! And Happy Halloween!
  • Michael Warden

    Morning Joseph,
    I'll have to make a point of pick up a couple of those books so I can see what you got. Have you read anything from Sheldon Siegel? He's kind of been a mentor and got me serious about my writing.

    I use my prior life as a cop for most of my materials. My goal for 2008 is to have my first novel ready to go to an agent so we'll see. I have a couple of short stories publlished, one is a true story from my days as a federal police sergeant and the other is a short fiction.

    Thanks for listening and I'll hit B&N this week.
    Regards, Michael
  • Michael Warden

    Good moring Joseph,

    I picked up a copy of the Company Man the other day and haven't hardly put it down.

    I see some similarity in how quickly you brought your characters into the story in the first chapter kind of the same way I do. Although I have had critiques that said I brought in to many to fast I felt it was important to the story. I enjoy how succinct you are with these characters yet we can get a clear picture of them.

    I can't wait to finish the book. Hope you had a great thanksgiving.

  • Liz Mugavero

    Hi Joseph,

    Just wanted to say I enjoyed hearing you speak at Crime Bake this year. What a great conference.
  • Michael Warden

    Moring Joseph,

    I am planing to attend my first writers conference this upcoming Presidents Day weekend. It's in San diego at the 22nd Annual Souther California Witers Conference.

    I hope to have a project ready by then to be critiqued and reviewd by agents/editors. Since I am a novice I am still aprehensive.

    I just received the registration information and wondered if you might me attending in any capcity? Would be great to meet you and have you sign one of your books. If not maybe I'll catch up with you at another convention.
  • jur

    Hey Joseph, I just recognize that your books are available in German as well... YES I know, that this is not the original Joseph speaking to me, but I have to admit, it is easier to read in German than English (it's faster...)...

    which one I should start with? Which one is a good entry into your "work" (right word for "all your books"??)

    regards from Switzerland, Jan
  • Olav Guldbrandsen

    Thanks for accepting the invite. Especially glad since Paranoia was one of the books that I really appreciated last year. It was translated into a good, solid norwegian, and came out in november. The fun parts I had to work a little bit with myself, being the editor, but I think it works. - Anyway. Exteremely likeable that Adam Cassidy. He started with such a great headache of a problem, and you made the story flow with ease. Nice to read a thriller with no killing in it. Didn't miss bloodshed one bit!
  • Vickie

    I enjoy your books very much. Thanks for writing them. Keep on.
    Vickie in Kentucky