Sandra Scoppettone

, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Southold, New York
About Me:
Crime writer for years and years.

Comment Wall:

  • Daniel Hatadi

    I hope so too. Let the chaos begin!
  • Laura Benedict

    Thanks for adding me! Blessings--Laura
  • Paul Guyot

    Could you please make your font a little bigger?

  • Sandra Scoppettone

    Thanks, Paul. I'll try.
  • Karen E. Olson

    Hi Sandra, thanks for inviting me as your Friend. Love your blog! And i like the big type here. These old eyes ain't what they used to be...and they haven't been great since I was a kid.
  • Angie

    Hi, Sandra! Trying to get out and about (cybernetically speaking) and say hello to everyone. So...howdy!
  • Sandra Scoppettone

    Hello to you, Angie. Thanks for stopping by.
  • Daniel Hatadi

    Sandra, your new photo cracked me up. I think I'm starting to understanding your wicked sense of humour. :)
  • BJ Bourg

    Hey, Sandra, when I saw your new photo, I looked around for Simon and Randy. :-)
  • Sandra Scoppettone

    Glad you like my photo, boys. Let's meet in the bar.
  • Carol Davis Luce

    Hi Sandra, thanks for being my friend in crime--crimespace I mean. Nice dress.
  • Paul Guyot

    I see you're lying down now... are you not feeling well?
  • Sandra Scoppettone

    I feel fine. Just resting because of my busy schedule. Best, Paris.
  • Laura Benedict

    I will be so disappointed if you don't morph into Nicole Ritchie next!
  • Daniel Hatadi

    That's a stunning photo, Sandra, but I'm concerned about your body language. Why aren't you facing us? What do you have to hide?
  • Sandra Scoppettone

    The scars near my cleavage, Daniel.
  • Pari Noskin Taichert

    Nice to meet you, Sanda. Love the 'do.
  • Laura Benedict

    There she is! Someone buy that girl a sushi sandwich!
  • Sandra Scoppettone

    I put my photo here just for you, Laura.
  • Laura Benedict

    You're so nice! I don't care what that nasty DJ AM says about you....
  • Tribe

    Excellent avatar, Sandra.
  • Michael W. Sherer

    Thanks for the invite, Sandra. I've "arrived" when I get invites from famous folk like you and Bob Goldsborough. Pretty cool place, this.
  • Delphine Cingal

    I love your avatar :-))
  • BJ Bourg

    Ha!Ha! Great avatar!!!
  • carole gill

    I aspire to write (to finish!) a noir novel, set in the late 1940's just ordered your novel, THIS DAME FOR HIRE. sounds like it's going to be great! all the best.
  • carole gill

    I'm quite certain that I will find them wonderful! I can't wait for THIS DAME FOR HIRE! i love the title. will read the others, too. believe me!
  • carole gill

    Started THIS DAME FOR HIRE. it's great! I love it. Boy, did you get the time right. want you to know i also ordered TOO DARN HOT. admire you so much!
  • carole gill

    A pleasure!
  • Jordan Dane

    Nice hat, but you may want to rethink the necklace.
  • Fabrizio Fulio - Bragoni

    thank you very much for adding me...
  • ruth

    I thought your Lauren Laurano series was excellent - I assume she is still featuring in your work? I have a number of the books, though have been somewhat out of touch for the last few years. I must dig out my titles - see if I have them all - just hope you continue to add to them.
  • ruth

    Thanks for your return comments although they rather depressed me. I find it hard to believe, that after the success of the LL books, that no-one wanted to publish them - they had terrific storylines with inbuilt humour and that is not easy to pull off successfully.

    The fact that you are not, currently writing, is sad. There are many authors, who write poor books, but few authors who write good ones - we can't afford to lose the good ones. I just wonder what would persuade you to go back to writing...
  • ruth

    Yes, you are a writer and a fine one - but, yes, the publishing world has changed. I might have been "out of the loop" for reasons of personal endeavour, for the last, hm, 5 or 6 years, I have kind of figured out the changes.

    Publishing houses come and go, particularly if they are not mainstream conglomerates. Trusted old ones appear to suddenly drop off planet earth and with their demise go a number of terrific authors.

    I am also aware that attitudes change - surprisingly, this happens/ed/ing in US. There are ever wider markets now, due to global community that we are all becoming/partaking in - and that means a wider audience.

    I joined this site attempting to track down an old favourite, "disappeared" author, I was pleased to find not one, but two - I can maybe die happy now :-).

    However, you should be aware, that while USA might appear to be "going backwards" - Europe is certainly going forwards in leaps and bounds - there is a market out there - even if it is on foreign soil.

    I am sincerely hoping that your use of the word paralysed, isn't a physical reality.
  • ruth

    I am relieved to note the paralysis is not physical. Big Boo to Virago, who have deprived readers of your work.

    This is clearly a place to find inspiration and, for those of us who are readers, potential access to new authors - judging by the numbers here.

    I will track down the book (anthology) that you mention when it appears and get hold of a copy.

    I thank you for taking the time to reply to my comments/questions, time is a valuable commodity not much appreciated these days - but I do.
  • Patty G. Henderson


    It's been so long....

    I learned better dialogue from you. What an inspiration your books have been. Thank you.
  • Patty G. Henderson

    Well, you know I have a button that I wear on my chest proudly proclaiming: "I'm a Sandra Scoppettone groupie!"

    In reading a bit of your web blog, I must share my love for the short story. Lately, I find myself casting a flirting eye toward short stories and anthology submissions than to working on my novel. I wonder what the hell that means?? LOL.
  • Janet McClellan

    So good to see you here... I have read five of your books and brought two of them with me to Alaska.. thank you for the entertainment you have shared with us.
  • L.J. Sellers

    Hi Sandra
    Writers apologizing for writing a bad book ... what an interesting idea. I think it's the publishers that ought to apologize. They know better. Often, the writer is unaware.