Gerald So

United States

Profile Information:

New York
About Me:
Editor of The 5-2: Crime Poetry Weekly; reviewer of fiction, film, and TV; moderator of DetecToday, Spenser's Sneakers, and CrimeSeen.
I Am A:
Writer, Editor, Critic
Books And Authors I Like:
Raymond Chandler, Robert B. Parker, Jeremiah Healy, Robert Crais, S.J. Rozan
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
NCIS, Bones, Burn Notice, Leverage, The Big Bang Theory

Comment Wall:

  • John DuMond

    Hey Gerald, welcome aboard.
  • Gerald So

    Thanks for the invite, John.
  • Daniel Hatadi

    Hey there, Gerald. Good to see you here. I sent you an email when I started the place up. Guess it got chewed by the spam monkeys.
  • Gerald So

    Thanks, Daniel. I received the invite. Thought I'd scope things out for a few days before joining. Glad to be here.
  • Daniel Hatadi

    I'd have done the same if it wasn't my creation. :)
  • Paul Guyot

    Gerald is a cautious, cautious man....
  • Jeremy Lynch

    It is a wise man that looks before he leaps.
  • Gerald So

    What do you think of my new, South Park style icon?
  • John DuMond

    I like the new icon, Gerald. Is that a light saber you have there? Better be careful, you can put an eye out with one of those. Or so I've heard.
  • Gerald So

    It is indeed a lightsaber, "an elegant weapon from a more civilized age." I would have preferred a blue or green one, but they weren't in stock.
  • Gerald So

    Here's my third icon. Does everyone on Crimespace have a picture of themselves wearing shades?
  • Brian Thornton

    Thanks for telling me about this place, Gerald.
  • Gerald So

    You're welcome, Brian. Glad to have you aboard.
  • JackBludis

    Good plan, Gerald. But I'm semi hooked.
  • Tony Black

    Hey Gerald - thanks for the link-up.
    Just lurve your Nasty Brutish Short stuff. Why dont'cha take a look at Pulp Pusher where there's some very nasty, very brutish and kinda short stories worthy of your critical powers!
  • Gerald So

    Thanks for the kind words, Tony. I leave the reviews of online stories to the others on NBS. As Thrilling Detective Fiction Editor, I don't want to seen as favoring or criticizing another e-zine. Feel free to ask the others, though.

    Taking off my reviewer hat, it's great to see a new mag on the block. I may have a bloody, violent story for you soon.
  • len howlett

    Hi, Gerald, I'm a brand new member and I clicked on to your page from Forum when I noticed a reference to 'Burn Notice.' I happened to view a couple of episodes of that show awhile back and I liked them, which is rare since I don't like much new crime tv. Anyway, thought I'd give you my best before continuing my initial exploration of the site.
    Len Howlett
  • len howlett

    Thanks, Gerald, I appreciate all of the acceptance I am receiving. I hope to contribute in some way. This seems like a great group of people with a lot of my same tastes and interests.Hope to hear from you again.
  • Tom Cooke

    I didn't realize you were a member here. I have been a reader of Thrilling Detective since I stumbled across it years ago. Your predecessor was editing at the time I found it.

    I almost had a heart attack when I pulled it up and saw the birthday page. I thought you guys were about to give up the ghost. I finally figured you were just on hiatus for a while so I survived.

    I really enjoy the work you guys produce.Thank you for many entertaining hours.

    Tom Cooke
    San Antonio, Texas
  • L.J. Sellers

    Hi Gerald
    I enjoy your reviews. We like the same kind of stories.
  • Cormac Brown

    Hi Gerald,

    Thank you for accepting the invite, I appreciate it.