Whiskey Creek Press

United States

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About Me:
Whiskey Creek Press publishes and sells books in all genres in both ebook and paperback formats by great award-winning authors. We welcome readers to visit our online bookstores anytime!
http://www.whiskeycreekpress.com www.whiskeycreekpresstorrid.com
Books And Authors I Like:
We have hundreds of books to choose from for our readers.

Comment Wall:

  • Pepper Smith

    Greetings! I see you guys found your way over here. Welcome to Mysteryville!
  • Betty Duffy

    Very new at this, sorry for taking so long in posting, thanks for the invite, I'll be back!!
  • Jordan Dane

    Thanks for the invitation to stop by. Can't wait to read more about WCP.
  • Richard Madelin

    Thanks for the invitation.
  • Jon McGoran as D. H. Dublin

    Thanks for the invite. If you're going to BEA, I"ll be at the MWA booth signing books from 1-1:30. Stop by and say hi!
  • Arkansas Cyndi

    Thanks for the invite!
  • Beth Ann Allen

    Thanks for the invitation. I have a lot of catching up to do--family stuff.
  • Rosie Contreras

    Hello! Thank you for befriending me! I look forward to participating on this space and learning more from these interesting folks! - Rose
  • Shirley Wells

    Thanks for the invite. When I know what I'm doing around here, I'll be back.
  • Rebecca26

    Thank you for the invite. I look forward to exploring your website.
  • Breanda Cross

    Thanks for invite to WCP. Am currently schmoozing and boozing in Dubai ! However, when I hit the real world again - like Arnie - I'll be bck.
  • Whiskey Creek Press

    Have a safe trip back to the States!
  • McKay Whisenhunt III

    hey plesed to meet cha'
    so busy get back later
  • Joan Conwell

    Thank you for the invite!
  • Liam Sweeny

    Thanks for the invite!

    Be sure to check out my work-in-progress, Apophis, on my MySpace

    Sween's Bull-Poo Repellant
  • Louise Titchener

    Thanks for the invitation. I'm away for the summer and working on an antique computer. I'll be able to manage my web activities a lot better come October. Best, Louise
  • Declan Burke

    Hey WCP, thanks for the welcome, it's really appreciated ... still groping my way into Crime Space, so I'll be touching base again soon. Cheers, Dec
  • Regina Williams

    Thank you for the invite. I'm on vacation at themoment, but will be in better contact when I return. Looking forward to chitting and chatting.
  • Sheri Fresonke Harper

    Thank you for the invite, your books look interesting. :-) Sheri
  • Michael Allan Mallory

    Thanks for the invitation.
  • Brenda Chapman

    I look forward to checking out your site and your books. Thank you for your invitation!
  • PulpStar

    Thanks for the invite, W.C. Now give me a scotch on the rocks - hold the rocks.
  • Lee Charles Kelley

    Thanks for the invitation. I'm always interested in new publishers.

  • sue neale

    Nice to hear from you. I am always interested in knowing about new publishers

  • Ken Isaacson

    Hello Whiskey Creek! Thanks for finding me here on Crimespace! Glad to make your acquaintaince.
  • Camilla Trinchieri

    I'm happy to be your friend. Thanks. Ciao
  • Karen Anderson

    Hi -- Please let me know about your new releases.
  • Jill

    Thanks for the invite. I'm looking for a ghost writer for my life story any ideas???
  • surfingcheryl

    Hey Whiskey Creek, I spent all day yesterday reviewing one of your forthcoming books...by Mayra Calvani. (Dark Lullaby) It was TERRIFIC. Wrote a rave review and I'll get it out there. Thanks for the invite.
    Cheryl Swanson
  • Dave Keel

    Hey, I like a publisher being an active part of this group. You guys are on top of things.
  • Kelli Stanley

    Thanks for the invite! I love any publisher that has "Whiskey" as part of its name! ;)

    Looking forward to checking out some of your books!

  • Cara Black

    great logo...
  • Keith Dixon

    Hi - greetings from the UK! Nice to know you're involved in talking to writers. Especially ones from over the Pond!
  • Mary Elwood

    thanks for the invite! =^..^=
  • Charlotte Williamson

    Thanks for the invite. Hey, we have a Whiskey Creek down here in S.W. Florida. And yes! It was used for rum-running a couple hundred years ago. Nice to see a publisher taking interest in us. Where are you located?
  • Liz Filleul

    Hi - thank you for befriending me! I just tried to check out your website but the link wasn't working. Will try again later.
  • David L. Hoof

    In the social sense of folks linked by a common interest, I just wanted to make you aware that my novel, Sharpshooter, is now being read for possibilities of a film by Clint Eastwood and Robert Redford. It is a mystery set in Montana, but it is a great deal more than that. Readable at 78,000 words. If this intrigues you, don't hesitate to get in touch. Otherwise, this is just FYI.