Dear friends,
how do you manage? To invite me as your friend? (Thanks, by the way!)
To view all the exciting websites and blogs that all of you seem to be
able keep? I can't cope with even a quarter of all the information you
offer. I even do not find the time to add to my website diary...
Sorry for being such a lag in answering your chatter or join into your
discussions. At least I am writing my pages for the new book every day,
getting acquainted with my…
Posted on May 29, 2007 at 12:41am
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I just signed a contract with Pascal Galodé éditeurs, for the French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, and Greek language rights to my debut novel, How the Strong Survive, (March 2007, Rockway Press), with first option rights on all my subsequent novels. Mr. Galodé wanted all the remaining language rights to my books, and asked if he could be my exclusive publisher for all languages. We are still negotiating the future terms, including film rights to my novels.
Who is he? Until October 15, 2007, Mr. Pascal Galodé was the "la tête de la maison d'édition d'origine monégasque" (head of the publisher) Le Rocher -- last press account: 550 titles in 2005.
In June 2007, the Pierre-Fabre group completed the acquisition of Le Rocher, and four months later, brought in their own executive, Vincent Wackenheim, to lead Le Rocher, forcing Monsieur. Galodé out. Being too vigorous to retire, he formed a new publishing company, Pascal Galodé éditeurs, in Saint-Malo, France. Only four months old, this new house already has eight titles, and more in production.
Mr. Galodé's interest in my novels certainly says something about the quality of my writing. I am in awe that How the Strong Survive is chosen as the first (and only) book to be translated in 2008 by this intrepid company, led by one of the most distinguished players in European and the global publishing industry. I trust that M. Galodé is right in selecting HTSS, and that it will meet his expectations as his editions are released throughout the EU.
Color me humbled, in shock and awe.
You seem to have quite a sense of humor :-))) I know Frankfurt a little bit. I have a sort of adoptive "Oma" on Fahrgasse. :-))
Actually I'd feel much better nowadays if I had studied mathematics (the fat amounts of money I earn or owe) and theology (believing is a gift) - actually I held a -sermon? we call it predigt - in a protestant church a while a go... And crime novels are just another chapter of the bible, isn't it? *gg*
Tell me more about your amazing career... Why the combination of the two? (I found it irresistible, then and hence...)
Well, Hugo - Hug or not... it's an idea... he sold quite a lot of books....
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