Cynde L. Hammond
  • 69, Female
  • Upstate New York
  • United States
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Cynde L. Hammond's "Crime Space" Page

Profile Information

Upstate New York
About Me:
I'm a 53 yr. old, extremely happily married, Christian woman who is married to the most wonderful, caring, thoughtful, handsome, romantic, Godly man in the world--and he's my soul-mate! We have two sons (Josh, age 20 & Jon, age 16) that are the greatest kids you'd ever want to meet.
I have a twin sister, Sande, that looks just like me (poor thing), another set of twin sisters, Barbara & Beverly, an older sister Carol Lee, that's really cool, two half-brothers, Freddie & Tracy, and my brother, John, that's in Heaven.
Dion (my husband) has an older sister named Donna and two younger brothers named Daren and Drew and his older brother, Dana, is in Heaven.
I've known Dion since he was just a young boy before his brother, Dana, got killed in a tragic car accident. Dana was so special and amazing! He and Dion were very close and it totally changed the course of Dion's entire life to lose Dana like that. It changed my life drastically, too. You see, I was engaged to Dana when he was killed in that car accident--and it was almost the end of my life, too. I loved Dana so much that I didn't really want to live when I lost him, but some how I found the strength--I didn't realize it then, but the Lord started watching over me in a special way and He would reveal Himself to me later on in my life. (I made a lot of wrong turns in my life, but they all lead me to where I am today--that's why I wouldn't change a thing!)
But right then, Dana's (and Dion's) father started watching over me--like I was part of the family--and this continued, right on through my getting married to an abusive husband and then divorced, moving to Texas, then to Virginia, then back to New York State--a span of about 25 yrs.--and then I found DION. Who but the Lord would have thought to have put the two of us together? Well, we're a perfect match, we're soul-mates and I just know that Dana is looking down from Heaven and smiling because he's happy for both of us! Praise God!
Now I write children's books (nothing published yet) and I'm working on my debut right now. I've written several poems and short-stories for magazines (both fiction and non-fiction) and I love to write letters and almost any kind of writing. Right now I'm taking a two-year writing course at the Institute of Children's Literature to help me hone my writing skills (I've almost completed it!) and from there I'm probably going to take some more college writing courses.

I've lived in the following places: New York State (several towns, and I currently reside there) and...San Antonio, Texas; Dallas, Texas; Colonial Heights, Virginia and Hampton, Virginia)
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
BOOKS:The Bible, In Cold Blood, The Green Mile, Of Mice and Men, To Kill A Mockingbird, Gone With The Wind
AUTHORS: Truman Capote, Willa Cather, Anne Frank, Carson McCullers, Patricia Cornwell, Sue Grafton, Margaret Mitchell, Ken Follett
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
MOVIES: In Cold Blood, The Green Mile, Giant, Of Mice and Men, To Kill A Mockingbird, Gone With The Wind, Capote
TV SHOWS: In Cold Blood, The Waltons, Little House on the Prairie,

My Current Writing Project

Hi, everybody. I decided to sign up for the Super "SummerWrite" Challenge 2008 on Live Journal after all, since I'll be working on my first YA novel, "Without Conviction" anyway. The challenge is to write 150,000 words between 01 May and 31 August 2008, which is probably much higher than I'll be able to accomplish, but I'm going to give it a good try. I have projected about 75,000 for my book and the remainder can be for rewrites and assorted short stories, which I can never have enough of. I'm really having fun, so far, and I've joined a group that call themselves the "Freckled Fireflys." There are eleven of us in the group, according to the last count, and we're pretty enthusiastic about this whole thing. Wish me the best, ok? I hope you're all doing well. See you soon...~C.

Comment Wall (48 comments)

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At 10:32am on July 4, 2009, Preetham Grandhi said…
Hi Cynde, I want to introduce you to my debut novel "A Circle of souls" which is a paranormal, murder, mystery thriller and a tale of justice and hope. Do visit to read more about the book. Make sure you sign up to win an autographed copy of the book. Thanks for your time in advance.

Best regards

Preetham Grandhi

Early Endorsements for “A Circle of Souls”

Linda Fairstein, NYT Bestselling Author: "A fascinating debut - this novel takes the reader to the darkest places in the human soul, from a writer with the authenticity to lead us there. A stunning thriller and an important read."

Judge Judy Sheindlin, star of the Judge Judy Show: "The seminal work of this fine author kept me glued to my chair until the adventure was over and the mystery solved. A great read!"

Book Synopsis:

The sleepy town of Newbury, Connecticut, is shocked when a little girl is found brutally murdered. The town s top detective, perplexed by a complete lack of leads, calls in FBI agent Leia Bines, an expert in cases involving children.

Meanwhile, Dr. Peter Gram, a psychiatrist at Newbury s hospital, searches desperately for the cause of seven-year-old Naya Hastings devastating nightmares. Afraid that she might hurt herself in the midst of a torturous episode, Naya s parents have turned to the bright young doctor as their only hope.

The situations confronting Leia and Peter converge when Naya begins drawing chilling images of murder after being bombarded by the disturbing images in her dreams. Amazingly, her sketches are the only clues to the crime that has panicked Newbury residents. Against her better judgment, Leia explores the clues in Naya s crude drawings, only to set off an alarming chain of events.
In this stunning psychological thriller, innocence gives way to evil, and trust lies forgotten in a web of deceit, fear, and murder.
At 1:44am on February 20, 2009, Charlotte Williamson said…
Hadn't heard from you in a while. Where are you? Not frozen, I hope.
At 2:33am on January 9, 2009, Charlotte Williamson said…
YOU ARE AWESOME! Glad I have you for my Crimespace and Book Place friend. My holidays were wonderful and Santa was very good to me. I count my blessing, for I know things could be worst. Bless you and Happy New Year. (Loved your artwork)
At 8:27am on January 4, 2009, JackBludis said…
Happy New Yera to you too.
At 3:26am on January 1, 2009, Jean Henry Mead said…
Thank you, Cynde. They're beautiful. Here's wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year!!
At 2:37am on December 28, 2008, Jean Henry Mead said…
Thank you, Cynde. I hope you had a lovely Christmas. My computer and I are both sick, but at least I didn't crash completely.
At 11:39am on December 17, 2008, JackBludis said…
Thanks for the card and comment.
Because of Space I'm going to remove the card though.
God bless you and Merry "Kissmas" to you too.
At 6:18am on December 10, 2008, JackBludis said…
Your choices are all fine writers. The books you have chosen are by fine writers. The movies all taken from fine books. Fine choices. OK, fine.
At 8:32am on November 2, 2008, Jean Henry Mead said…
Cynde Luv, I managed to lose your blogsite URL. Please email me at

At 2:09am on October 11, 2008, Charlotte Williamson said…
I sent you a message, but I don't think it took. (I think I hit the wrong button) Thanks for the kudos. Glad you enjoyed the story. I'm not much interested in much of anything these days. I sit and worry about our investments dwindling away. That money is supposed to last us thorugh our old age, but if things keep going as they are, we'll wind up working through our old age. I didn't think things could get much worse, but now I can understand why they were so many suicides back in 1929 when the market crashed. Here's a joke that someone sent me:
Garfield: "I was so depressed last night thinking about the up-coming election, I called Lifeline.
Got a freakin' call center in Pakistan, told them I was suicidal. They got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck."
I feel like Garfield. Prayer doesn't seem to work lately. I'm so depressed. What do you suggest?

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