Earl Staggs
  • Male
  • United States
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Earl Staggs's Friends

  • Sarah E Glenn
  • Suzanne Baginskie
  • Kate Thornton
  • Michael Wiley
  • New Pulp Press
  • Keith Spence
  • Nancy Thorp
  • J.R. Lindermuth
  • Rhonda Hitchcock
  • K.R. Lewis
  • Annette Dashofy
  • L.J. Sellers
  • Beth Groundwater
  • Bret Wright
  • Tim Quinton

Earl Staggs's Page

Profile Information

Fort Worth, Texas
About Me:
Derringer Award winning author of MEMORY OF A MURDER, a mystery novel featuring psychic investigator Adam Kingston. Numerous short stories in magazines and anthologies. Former Editor, Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine. Former President, Short Mystery Fiction Society.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Editor
Books And Authors I Like:
My favorite authors change from time to time as I discover new ones, but I have a fondness for Lawrence Block, S. J. Rozan, and for pure storytelling, John Grisham.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Favorite movies include nearly any good mystery story along with Silverado and White Christmas. You'll find me in front of the TV for Bones, CSI-Miami, and Numbers.

Comment Wall (49 comments)

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At 9:23pm on September 2, 2009, Earl Staggs said…
Hey, Suzanne! It's always a pleasure to see you. Best wishes and a big hug to you.
At 11:40am on September 2, 2009, Suzanne Baginskie said…
Hi Earl, I found you on here too. Suzanne
At 12:50pm on August 14, 2009, Michael Wiley said…
Thanks for the friendship, Earl! We share an admiration for S.J. Rozan's books.



At 10:03pm on July 17, 2008, Earl Staggs said…
I'm thrilled to announce my opportunity to appear as a guest on NETDRAG, a Podcast interview and discussion show better for writers than Leno and Letterman. I hope you'll give it a listen and let me know what you think: Here's where to find it:
I know you'll find it as informative, interesting and as much fun as I did.
At 9:55pm on July 17, 2008, Earl Staggs said…
Yes, Ken, I had the pleasure and honor to be an invited guest on the NETDRAG Podcast and loved it. What a terrific idea to give authors an opportunity to talk about this writing addiction in detail and at length! We talked about the publishing industry in general and even divulged a few secrets we wouldn't normally get to talk about in normal venues. Plus, it was a helluva lotta fun. I hope a lot of people listen in at:
At 2:57pm on July 17, 2008, K.R. Lewis said…
Hey, Earl! I just heard you were on NETDRAG! The Crime Fiction Writer's and Reader's Podcast! Is it true? Is this the link?
At 6:05am on May 28, 2008, K.R. Lewis said…

For God's sake, Ix-Nay on the you-know-what fetish thing, will ya? I'm trying to plow some fertile fields in here, after having already harvested all my crops in Dlot. Several times over. Hehe.
At 5:14am on May 28, 2008, Earl Staggs said…
I wasn't aware of my status here, Ken. Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to see about changing it from member to author. As for female fans knocking down my front door, there's no need. I leave it unlocked for just such occasions.
At 4:41am on May 19, 2008, K.R. Lewis said…
Earl, you old son of a gun! I just finished sending a message to Shane, about how he's listed here in CrimeSpace as a "member" but not as an "author" and the same holds true for you. I think maybe you guys flubbed up when you did your sign up. Or maybe you just didn't want all those female fans knocking down your front door with a battering ram? Hehe.
At 9:08am on May 3, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Thanks. And writing should be fun. If you're having fun, so will your readers. I hope you do read The Sex Club.

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