Jim Gracie
  • Male
  • Dumfries & Galloway
  • United Kingdom
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Jim Gracie's Friends

  • Alaina Perez
  • Reece Hirsch
  • Nancy Thorp
  • Robin Richmond
  • Matthew Quinn Martin
  • Maria
  • summerrain03
  • Yvonne Mason
  • Lee Weeks
  • Mike Gerrard
  • Colin Galbraith
  • Carol Exline
  • L.J. Sellers
  • Brian L Porter
  • Rick Mofina

Jim Gracie's Discussions

Exclusivity Deal
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by I. J. Parker Jun 17, 2009.

10 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by K.R. Lewis Jun 12, 2008.

Reduced to writing thrillers
17 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by carole gill Mar 17, 2008.


Jim Gracie's Page

Profile Information

Kilmarnock, Scotland, but now living in Sanquhar, Dumfriesshire
About Me:
A Scottish writer who has written countless travel books and articles. Since I was a kid I have enjoyed reading crime and mystery fiction, so last year I thought it was time I started writing it. No crime published as yet, though. But there's still time.

I review crime books for the Crimesquad website.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Critic
Books And Authors I Like:
Iain McDowall
Robert Goddard
Lawrence Block
M.C. Beaton
Val McDermid
W.D. Wingfield
Edgar Allan Poe
Catriona McPherson
George Simenon
Pierre Magnan
Henri Bosco
John Steinbeck
Mervyn Peake (the Gormenghast books)
John Sandford
Flannery O'Connor
Gayle Lynds
CJ Box
Patricia Highsmith
....I'll give up there, even though it's only a fraction of the writers I like.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
I try not to watch too much TV (with varying degrees of success), because I am a sucker for crime series of any kind - mean-streets-of-the-big-city, retired-colonel-murdered-in-a-thatched-cottage-in-a-pretty-village, lone-man-saving-the-world,PI-with-a-drink-problem-and-an-ex-wife-who-sucked-him-dry-through-alimony. The lot, no matter how tacky, no matter how bad (...yes, I know, I know...), including

Midsumer Murders
Breaking Bad
Miss Marple
Inspector Lynley
Waking the Dead

I am not a great movie buff, but I did enjoy watching:

Sunset Boulevard
Secret Window

I know I'm not being asked about my musical tastes, but it ranges from Mozart, Beethoven and Berio to the late Eva Cassidy (what a voice!), the Traveling Wilburies, Beatles and that superb jazz guitarist Martin Taylor (he bought me a drink once).

Comment Wall (25 comments)

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At 10:13pm on December 16, 2009, RONALD FEASEL said…
Please add me my requests full. Checkout my entries here on my second novel I'm writing---Moral Dilemma at: http://www.freado.com/book/5100/MORAL-DILEMMA
And http://www.freado.com/book/5120/THE-RHYME-MAN
At 7:30am on September 19, 2009, Robin Richmond said…
Look forward to meeting you in Wigtown.
At 7:37am on September 9, 2009, Robin Richmond said…
If you ave not visited my shop in Wigtown you should do so. I have the largest stock of second hand crime fiction in UK. My shop is behind the petrol station in Wigtown. Wigtowns Book Festival is from 25th September to 4th October.

I also have travel books.
At 5:16am on November 23, 2008, Iain Rowan said…
Hi Jim,

Thanks for adding me - how come no-one's ever written that Great Peterlee Novel, I wonder...


At 8:29pm on November 21, 2008, Jim Gracie said…
Hi Lee.

Nice to hear from you on this bitter cold, Scottish morning. I will go straight to Amazon and buy your books.

My late brother lived in Hong Kong for many years before moving to Japan and teaching English as a foreign language in a city called Miyazaki. Hong Kong was a place he loved.

Have you read any of Peter May's crime books, set in Beijing?

My day time job is travel writer, but I have never been to the Far East. I am trying to distance myself from travel writing now, as travel no longer excites me. And when that happens, you won't excite your readers.
At 7:51am on November 21, 2008, Lee Weeks said…
Hi Jim
Was born in N Devon. Have you read my books? Judging by your tastes you will like them.
At 1:22am on November 19, 2008, Maria said…
Hi Jim,

Thanks for your request. I'm not a native of Darlington, but have lived here since 1979. I know the area where your daughter and family lived. I lived in Bonnybrig in Scotland for a short time, beautiful scenery.

I see you have several writing projects in the pot...me too, I only wish I could finish one of them. I have joined Nanowrimo this year in an effort to motivate me into completing a novel that has collected dust!

At 3:47am on November 18, 2008, Colin Galbraith said…
Hi Jim - great to meet another like-minded Scot on the forum :-)
At 6:26am on June 9, 2008, Jim Gracie said…
Hi Summerrain! I write guidebooks and coffee table books. If you go to http://www.allbookstores.com/author/James_Gracie.html you'll see some of them there. I'm trying to move away from travel, but it's not easy, as travel forms the main part of my income.

Glad you like M.A.S.H. and Amadeus. My ambition is to visit Salzburg one day. I nearly made it, but only got as far as Vienna, which is an amazing city.

I'm trying to write a few short stories, and I have a police procedural on the go, set in Scotland. I also have a half-written radio play and one on Edgar Allan Poe and his time in Scotland.
At 9:50pm on June 8, 2008, Yvonne Mason said…
All of your questions on Bounty Hunting will be answered beginning this week. If you don't already belong to http://www.leelofland.com/wordpress/
stop by and join.
A hunter is the person who goes after someone who is out of jail on bail and doesn't show up for court. A warrant is issued by the courts for failure to appear. It is up to the hunter to track them down and take them back to jail before the bonding company loses their bond money. I will be doing a blog every Monday at the above site. I will also be answering questions as well. I look forward to seeing you there.

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